Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Right now i in such a state of confusion. My emotions are in so many different directions. I just feel as if i am being called by God to do mission work. It is so hard to get all of the lies that satan sends and all of the other junk out of my head and just listen to God. I just need to be still and know that He is God......and listen. It just seems that I am sometimes in such a hurry that I miss out on the wisdom God speaks to my heart, if I will only be slient before Him. It is often in the calm and quiet of His presence that He speaks the loudest. I am just learning more and more everyday to wait on His presence. I just wish that things could be so much easier and that He could just put a BIG flashing light out there that says this door or a great big yes or no. Although He sure does show us what He wants for us and where He wants us, but the question is are we looking for Him and seeking Him so that He can show us. Or are we too busy with the things around us to even see what He is doing. Take time and soak up in His presence. Let the relationship you have with Him be so very real. He loves each and everyone of us so very much, more than we can even begin to fathom. Every minute we as His children spend with Him, He soaks up every minute of it and adores us as if we were His only child. Are you listening to Him? Take time to wait and listen to Him,who is the answer to all of our needs.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

I am yours.....

Lord i just come to you tonight and saying that i am yours. I want to lay everything down at your feet. There are just so many things that seem to get in the way. I ask that you help me to stay strong and help me to stay focused on you above all else. It is so easy to get distracted by all of the things around me of this world. Satan is so good at telling me lies and getting me to believe them. Lord give me the discernment that i need and let me be yours completly. Let me lay everything at your feet and just be emptied. I thank you for being the great and awesome God that you are and loving me no matter what. There sure is a bunch of yucky stuff I bring with me at times but you still reach your arms out and love me. I just can't fathom how someone like you loves me the way that you do. Let me grow in my love and have that same love that you have for me for others but above all else let me grow to love you like never before. Thank you so much for listening. Also thank you for working on my heart the way that you have lately. You have broke it and molded it to make it look more how you want it to be. Continue to let me be yours 100% so you could have your way with me. I love you so very much! Yearning for more of HIM