By the end of the calender year a childerns orphange (house of hope) will be opened up for little girls in Honduras. Little girls that have no family and can't remember the last time that they felt arms around their neck. What a joy and a honor it will be to be a mamma to so many girls. Most importantly i want them to see that they are someone and that God loves each and everyone of them. No matter what, it doesn't matter what they have been thru God loves them reguardless. I don't even know at times how i am going to help some of them with what they have went thru. I don't even think i know or understand the things that these little girls have been thru. Some of them a such a young age have sold their bodies so that they may feed their bodies. Some have even been rejected by their families b/c they don't have money to take care of them selves more less a child. So they send the child off on their own with no where to pillow their head and no food to feed their bellies. I am just trusing that God will use me how He wants with each and every circumstance with these girls. I know that God has called me to go so here i am and i know that if i am open to Him that He is going to use me in great big ways for His kingdom. He already is.....
Continue to pray for me and the sweet children that i will be ministering too. I just pray that i can be His hands and feet.