Dilica and the kiddos enjoying ice cream. There at the end of the table is our good friend Fabiola. She works with the lawyer and she had become to be our very good friend. We love her!

Dilica and her kiddos!

Gustavo with his cousins.

Cake time!

Kathryn trying to bust spiderman.

Birthday boy and momma.

The kiddos piling out of the car to go to KFC.

Gustavo's little sister and a friend playing on the playground.

Last week we celebrated two birthdays with some good friends. I would have never believed how much celebrating their birthdays would mean to them. I am sure that they are birthdays that neither or them will forget.
First of all we celebrated Gustavo's 6th birthday. He was so nervous yet excited he didn't know what to do or what to expect. His mom said that as he was getting ready to come he started crying and was overwhelmed and wasn't too sure about coming to his own b-day. Gustavo is part of the family that the Kluges help to take care of. So the Kluges planned a birthday party for him at KFC, which by the way has one of the biggest playgrounds that I have seen. Three stories and even has a mini soccer field on top. Well Randy had taken his car up to San Miguel to load of those who were invited. We were all at KFC waiting for them and we look out the window and here comes Randy with so many people in his car. I think that it was a record, 17 kiddos and 7 adults. I ran outside to get some pictures as they all piled out, most of them had tired to look their best and had their best clothes on . One little boy had on his older brothers shirt and it was too cute you could tell it was a little big but he wanted to look his best. So Gustavo walked in and there are ballons and cake and lots of people and at first he was acting shy and unsure of what to do, but it didn' t take long for him to warm up and go play and have fun. After they had all played for awhile they got chicken, mashed potatoes, biscuit, and a drink in which they all goggled down. Most of them never have meals like this. Whatever they had leftover they were sure to wrap up in a napkin and take home. Nothing wasted! After they had all ate it was pinata time and they were all excited and ready to have a try at spiderman. Of course Gustavo went first and he tired so hard but it didn't do much damage to it. So he runs to his mom and crys I think that he was embrassed that he didn't get it to break. After seeing the next person didn't break it either I think he felt a little better. So before long he was up again at it and smiling away, he knew what he was doing this time. After most of the kids had had their try at the pinata there was a lots of candy on the floor. They were all diving on the floor and trying to get as much as they possibly could. So then we served cake and finshed things up. Gustavo had a few presents that people had bought him but he was too embrassed to open them so he just packed them up and took them home to open. At the end of the party you could tell Gustavo and all of the others had enjoyed themselves.
After Gustavo's party we went to pick up Dilica. She use to work for the Hines but now we will get the joy or working with her out at the childrens home. She is always smiling, whether she is having a good day or not it always seems that you will find a smile on her face. We had planned with Katie, Jen, Jen, and me to take her and her kids out for her birthday. So we called her the night before and asked her if she would like to go and she was more then delighted. So once we got to her house we got to meet her kids and they were all so precious and so well behaved, and respectful. We ask her where she wants to go and they tell us the only places they have been to eat is McDonalds and Camperos. So we ask where she wants to go and start naming off places. When we names off Tony Romans she was sold. We had taken her there one other time and she loved it. So to Tony Romans we went. It was a good night to get to visit and get to know her kids. At the end of the night they brought her out a cake and sung to her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she took a hold of my hand and was speechless. She said that she has only had cake one other time on her b-day. I think she felt so overjoyed and unworthy, but it was good to see her smile and feel special.
It was such a neat day to see how these two families were blessed. It only took a little bit of time to spend with them but made a world of difference that they will remember for years to come.