Ok here is the start to a website here at Casa de Esperanza.......enjoy
http://www.cde-hopehouse.org/index.htmlThe kids are wonderful......
Yovani is coming around alot and opening up and loving on us more and more. When he first came here he was so angry and sort of stand offish, but he sure has come around. He is wanting to be with me alot. He has become my boy! Tio Joe left his radio here for the kids and well it is getting put to wonderful use. Yovani every morning and night has the radio one listening to music, preaching, and school work on the radio, and any time he gets inbetween there he has it on. He loves it. He says that his dad always listened to the radio.
Marvin is our sweet little tender hearted one. He doesn't show much emotion at all he trys to close up and not let us see what he is feeling, but also with him I think that he is slowly loving more openly. With time he will be free to love and not be afriad to I pray. He is too sweet, for those of you who have been here and visited this sweet little boy rememebers you. He prays for each and everyone of you by name every night, and if he forgets someone he prays again. Just know you all have a special place in this boys heart. I wish you could hear the little prayers he offers on your behalf.
Yovani and Marvin are learning subraction right now and are getting ready to move onto addition. They are both very smart and are catching on fast. Also Kay the sling shots you got them they love. They carry them around everywhere with them. It is just hard to explain to them they are not toys!
Mario, well he is learning also in school and working on letters and numbers and writing them and recognizing them. We need you to really pray over this little boys heart. He has such yucky stuff in there and at times he is so hard to deal with. It seems that he has been getting worse. So we covet your prayers for all of them but right now for Marios little heart. This one for sure is our music lover. Anything with music this boy wants to be apart of it. He learns so much faster and better when things are put into music form.
Fransico is such a stinker, but you gotta love the boy. He is still in the potty training stage. He is doing so good at it. He has maybe has one accident a day but he really is catching on fast. Also as he is approaching three years old here soon and he is starting to get a little bit of an attitude and tell us no, but nothing at all that we can not handle. Still the cute little stinker!
Antonio is is getting bigger and bigger all of the time. He is now 15 months old. He is devolping so much of a personality and becoming his own. He is no longer on bottles and is eatting only food. He was easy to cut off of bottles. He went straight from bottles to the next day none. Although the poor boy keeps getting ear infections and he is on meds right now for one.
But each and everyone of the boys are wonderful! Thank you all for your prayers and continually support!