What matters most to me is to finish what God started: the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God. Acts 20:24
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Nov.28th- Today I am thankful for forgiveness. What a wonderful thing it is. Where would I be with out it........lost. I am thankful for those of you who love me even when I mess up. I am sure not perfect so sometimes I need lots of forgiveness. But most of all I am thankful for our Fathers grace and forgiveness. So thank you Lord that falling is full of grace!
Monday, November 27, 2006
Nov.27th-Today I am thankful today for little hands that want to hold my hand, hug me, play with my hair, rub my back, or just give me a high five. They are precious! May I continue to be Jesus hands to them.......
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Nov.24th-Today I am thankful for the laugher and joy I get to see in Maryuri. When she came here she was so full of fear and also an angry baby. Now I get to see here laughing and playing and enjoying here time here just in the short month that she has been here. So I am thankful for her and the joy I get to see in her and the transformation that is taking process.
Nov.25th-Today I am thankful for my close to my heart friends. Thank you Ashley, Amanda, and Kaitlin for loving and supporting me and being there for me. I am more than blessed to have you guys in my life!
Nov.26th- Today I am thankful for God's creation. Went on a walk today and I think I just forgot how amazing his creation is. I am surrounded by it everyday but sometime I get caught up in this or that and am too busy to see it all. But today I am thankful for my eyes being open to it again.
Nov.25th-Today I am thankful for my close to my heart friends. Thank you Ashley, Amanda, and Kaitlin for loving and supporting me and being there for me. I am more than blessed to have you guys in my life!
Nov.26th- Today I am thankful for God's creation. Went on a walk today and I think I just forgot how amazing his creation is. I am surrounded by it everyday but sometime I get caught up in this or that and am too busy to see it all. But today I am thankful for my eyes being open to it again.
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving! Here are a few pics from our Thanksgiving feast........
Nov.21st-Today I am thankful for the work the Jen did while she was in the states and speaking from her heart and crying out for each and everyone of these kids. Thanks to those of you who listened and are praying and are helping support this ministry.
Nov.22nd-Today I am thankful today that they have turkeys here in Honduras that we could buy one and cook one so we could still celebrate Thanksgiving tom.
Nov.23rd-Today it is a hard day because I am away from so many that I am more than greatful for and do not get to celebrate this day with my family. But today I just am more than thankful for my family and what they mean to me. Sorry that I can not be there but that does not change that I still love you!
Monday, November 20, 2006
Nov. 20th
Nov. 20th - Today I am more than blessed that we have such a wonderful person such as Dilcia work for us. She really is super woman........she cooks, she cleans, she does laundry, she helps with school time, and baths the kids, she changes the kids, and she even cleans there stinky cloth diapers. I am sure that I am missing some things here but I think that I have got the point across. She is amazing. Without her not too sure how we would do it. And behind all of the hard work that she does she has an amazing heart. For her I am more than thankful.
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Nov.16th-Today I am thankful for the simplicties of a child and how they enjoy life and do not worry about much at all. We must all remember that Jesus calls to become like little children. God wants us to approach life with a child like faith! I am amazed at their faith and trust in things and no worries.......may God make me more like a little child.
Nov.17th-Today I am thankful for Dorian and the blessing he is in my life! God has blessed me with an awesome man of God and who loves me a whole lot. This weekend we get to spend time together which is time that I just see more things about him that I love. But I am thankful today for him and his spirit and his love for God!
Nov.18th-Today I am thankful we have mommas! A mommas touch does so much! Well little did I realize the mommas touch that I have with some of these kiddos. One of the kids called me mom the other day and I said "I am your mom?" just surprised he even called me mo? And he said not but I want a mom....awwwhhhh. So I sat with him and told him that I was his second mom and God sent me to take care of him and he could call me mom and I would be there for him. Then another one of the boys was sitting at the table ready for supper and just had his head burried in their hands and crying and I asked what was wrong and he was missing his momma he told me and wanted to be with her. Well me and him are really close and we spend a lot of time together and I had realized I had been too busy to give him one on one time and let him know he is loved! So that broke my heart. But later that night we caught up and loved on one another. But those two things that happened made me realize the impact I have on them of playing the role of a momma. What a blessing that is.......Lord just help me to walk out the role of a momma.
Nov.19th- Today I am greatful for the people that had their hearts touched this weekend and made some sacrfices to help out with the kiddos here at casa. As most of you know Jen is at home speaking and trying to get some funds together for casa. Well we were more than blessed with what they gave this morning at the Belpre Youth Rally.
Nov.17th-Today I am thankful for Dorian and the blessing he is in my life! God has blessed me with an awesome man of God and who loves me a whole lot. This weekend we get to spend time together which is time that I just see more things about him that I love. But I am thankful today for him and his spirit and his love for God!
Nov.18th-Today I am thankful we have mommas! A mommas touch does so much! Well little did I realize the mommas touch that I have with some of these kiddos. One of the kids called me mom the other day and I said "I am your mom?" just surprised he even called me mo? And he said not but I want a mom....awwwhhhh. So I sat with him and told him that I was his second mom and God sent me to take care of him and he could call me mom and I would be there for him. Then another one of the boys was sitting at the table ready for supper and just had his head burried in their hands and crying and I asked what was wrong and he was missing his momma he told me and wanted to be with her. Well me and him are really close and we spend a lot of time together and I had realized I had been too busy to give him one on one time and let him know he is loved! So that broke my heart. But later that night we caught up and loved on one another. But those two things that happened made me realize the impact I have on them of playing the role of a momma. What a blessing that is.......Lord just help me to walk out the role of a momma.
Nov.19th- Today I am greatful for the people that had their hearts touched this weekend and made some sacrfices to help out with the kiddos here at casa. As most of you know Jen is at home speaking and trying to get some funds together for casa. Well we were more than blessed with what they gave this morning at the Belpre Youth Rally.
Friday, November 17, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
NOV. 13th, 14th, & 15th
Nov.13th- Today I am thankful for meds........today not feeling so good and got some sort of funk but with some medication back to feeling like myself. So thank you Lord that there are meds that help our bodies feel better.
Nov.14th-Today I am thankful for my lil Franscio who loves me with all that is in him. He always puckers his little lips up and gives me who knows how many kisses a day and with the biggest grin says i love you mucho mucho mucho mucho. Also he knows what strings to pull when he wants my attention is just crys mamma mama mamma until he gets a sweet embrace from me and then he is usually fine. Too precious but i am thankful for him and the joy that he brings to me and this home.
Nov.15th- Today I am thankful for Deborah. She has been here since July helping out here at the childrens home. Without her I do not know how we would have done it. She has formed need little bonds with the kids and they all have grown to love her. Although today she flew back home for a couple months and it was soooooo hard on her to tell everyone good bye. But now that she is gone I don't know what I am going to do.....yikes. But today I am just thankful for her and what she has offered to these kiddos.
Nov.14th-Today I am thankful for my lil Franscio who loves me with all that is in him. He always puckers his little lips up and gives me who knows how many kisses a day and with the biggest grin says i love you mucho mucho mucho mucho. Also he knows what strings to pull when he wants my attention is just crys mamma mama mamma until he gets a sweet embrace from me and then he is usually fine. Too precious but i am thankful for him and the joy that he brings to me and this home.
Nov.15th- Today I am thankful for Deborah. She has been here since July helping out here at the childrens home. Without her I do not know how we would have done it. She has formed need little bonds with the kids and they all have grown to love her. Although today she flew back home for a couple months and it was soooooo hard on her to tell everyone good bye. But now that she is gone I don't know what I am going to do.....yikes. But today I am just thankful for her and what she has offered to these kiddos.
Monday, November 13, 2006
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Nov. 11th & 12th
Nov.11th-Today I am thankful for those around me who are my cheerleaders and encourage me and let me know not to give up and to keep my head up. Thank you for cheering me on.
Nov.12th- Today I am thankful for sweet little Katty's laughter.....it just brings a huge smile to my face. I wish you could all hear her sweet little laugh....precious
Nov.12th- Today I am thankful for sweet little Katty's laughter.....it just brings a huge smile to my face. I wish you could all hear her sweet little laugh....precious
Friday, November 10, 2006

Nov.10th- Today I am thankful for patiences.....if it weren't for patiences who knows where I would be or these kiddso. So thank you Lord for instilling your patiences within me.
here is the gang
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Nov. 8th
Today as I sit here and think, ok today what stood out to me that I am thankful for. Well nothing really stuck out to me, so I sat here some more and the one thing that kept coming to me is to be thankful for the prayers of those who support me and this ministry. I could not do this with out you. Your prayers are felt and God is at work in this ministry. Just continue to pray it is not about us at all but about God and that satan does not get a strong hold on this ministry. As I am sure he so badly wants to do but with God we have gained the victory. Thank you thank you thank you for your prayers and may your prayers continue to be lifted up to our God.
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Today I am thankful for airplanes. Even though we are far away from home we can still get there in days time...thank you Lord!
Today I was at the airport because Jen flew home today and what a comfort it is to know I can still go home and get a hug from my mom and dad and those who love me. And even better yet they can hop on a plane and come see me. Yippee!
Today I was at the airport because Jen flew home today and what a comfort it is to know I can still go home and get a hug from my mom and dad and those who love me. And even better yet they can hop on a plane and come see me. Yippee!
Monday, November 06, 2006
Nov. 6th
Ok so today I am thankful for..........the love that we can continually offer these kiddos. This morning I was with the kids and so many times they just came up to me and wanted a kiss or hug.....just some good old loving. With time love can heal lots and lots of hurts. Right now I can see what a little bit of love has done for these kiddos, it makes a world of difference......thank you Lord. May God continue to intstill His love in each and everyone of these kiddos and let them know they are loved by their great big daddy!
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Nov. 4th & 5th
Nov. 4th- Today I am just thankful for hardships. I know, I know at the times when you are going thru them they do not seem pleasant but I look back and see what they have made me to be....a better person. Today some things with me were not so easy but I worked thru them and in the end I see these times are tests and times of growing.
Thank you Lord for trials and for growing me into" your girl"
Nov. 5th- Today i am thankful for a lice free house......thank you Lord! Thank you for what you give us to offer to these kids. What a blessing to know they are not going to have to be itching their little heads no more ( and thank you that hair grows back).
Thank you Lord for trials and for growing me into" your girl"
Nov. 5th- Today i am thankful for a lice free house......thank you Lord! Thank you for what you give us to offer to these kids. What a blessing to know they are not going to have to be itching their little heads no more ( and thank you that hair grows back).
Friday, November 03, 2006
Nov. 3rd
So tonight we went to the grocery store an we did the big shopping day....we have doubled our size here at casa this past week so now we have five more bellies to fill up. That is lots of food to stock up on....10 kiddos!
Nov. 3rd -Today I am thankful for food!
What a blessing to know that these kids don't have to worry about where their next meal will come from but they are blessed with food in their bellies each and every day and know when their next meal will come.
So today I am just thankful for food..........smiple as that but what a huge blessing it is to our bellies......:)
Nov. 3rd -Today I am thankful for food!
What a blessing to know that these kids don't have to worry about where their next meal will come from but they are blessed with food in their bellies each and every day and know when their next meal will come.
So today I am just thankful for food..........smiple as that but what a huge blessing it is to our bellies......:)
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Being Thankful.....
Never ever do I want to take granted the things that God has blessed my life with.......
So I have been challenged this month each and every day to thank God for something He has given me. This is the month to be thankful and yes I know you should be thankful each and everyday but this month I really want to focus on all of the things that God as blessed my life with. Just to be greatful and have a true deep down appreciation for all God has blessed my life with.........................Where to even start
Nov 1st-I am thankful that one year ago God sent me here to this forgiein land that I have ever so much grown to love
Nov 2nd -I am thankful for each and every child God has placed here in Casa de Esperanza....Yovani, Marvin, Mario, Fransico, Antonio, Cindy, Maryuri, Monica, Fernando, and Katty..........What a blessing each and everyone of them are to my life
So I have been challenged this month each and every day to thank God for something He has given me. This is the month to be thankful and yes I know you should be thankful each and everyday but this month I really want to focus on all of the things that God as blessed my life with. Just to be greatful and have a true deep down appreciation for all God has blessed my life with.........................Where to even start
Nov 1st-I am thankful that one year ago God sent me here to this forgiein land that I have ever so much grown to love
Nov 2nd -I am thankful for each and every child God has placed here in Casa de Esperanza....Yovani, Marvin, Mario, Fransico, Antonio, Cindy, Maryuri, Monica, Fernando, and Katty..........What a blessing each and everyone of them are to my life
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
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