Saturday, March 31, 2007


Here they are with their new sunglasses. I think they probably get a new pair every time some one comes because they are a little rough on them and they never last. They love their sunglasses so much but they wear them out with in a week or so usually. Although I thought the picture was cute so I thought that I would share it with all of you.

The little one second to the left is one of our workers daughters incase you were wondering.

Cindy "lou"

This beautiful girl has changed so much. God is healing some deep places in her heart. She is beautiful on the outside and now is turning to be beautiful on the inside. Please continue to pray for her as she is a 4 year old that has been opened and exposed to a lot and is so sad, but praise God he is working on her heart.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


Last Friday we all got to spend the day at Chiminike with the kiddos. It was so good for the kids. It was like a science museum and for the month of March we got picked for them to host us and to go for free. Free is always good with 10 little ones. It was a good time and the kiddos loved it. Enjoy the pics!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


Antonio is our baby of the house but he is growing up on us fast and he is not so much our baby any more. He is cuter than ever. He is starting to speak a lot more and he is even speaking more english. Hopefully we can teach him while he is young and that he can be fluent.
Here he is leaving Pizza Hut hauling along the diaper bag, my purse and his sippie cup. Cute, cute, cute......

Tuesday, March 20, 2007


Monicas 6th Birthday

Miss Monica's Birthday

For those of you who know Monica she is sweet as can be. Would not hurt a soul and just has a sweet innocence about her. Sunday was her bday and she was tickeled pink. She thought that is was the best day ever.
For Monica, Fernando, and Katty we do not know their really names or brithdays. So there fore we do not really know how old they are either. We made up some bdays for them so they would not be left out and that they could celebrate their special day. So last Sunday was Monicas special 6th Birthday......sweet, sweet, sweet.
Just the littlest things this day made her smile and feel so special. I wish that I could have the joy and innocence she has about her.

Sunday, March 18, 2007


So the church took two bus loads of people to the beach a couple of weeks ago. We got to go along and take the kids to see the beach for the first time for most of them.

I can't tell you I was not a little but worried about taking 10 little kids to the beach. It worked out that we had lots of hands so each of us were in charge of two kiddos for the day which helped out a lot. I am sure for those of you who are mothers and take two of your own to the beach that is stressful and a handful enough......just imagine taking 10.

The kids and us big kids loved every moment of it. It was priceless to see their reactions and the way their eyes lit up. God took care of us and we all made it home safely. Jen and Deborah just scorched but as for the rest of us we were just got a little of sun.
God's beauty.............the beach
Cindy "lou"
Carlos taking Katty and Fernando out in the ocean.
Fransico and me.......I lathered them up in suntan lotion and as you can see Fransico's didn't rub in to well.
Here I am with Monica and Fransico the two I was in charge of for the day trying to hang on to them.
Marvin and his Mr. Shark

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Some new pics

Sorry that it has been awhile. There have been some problems with my computer but things are back up and running.

Here are some pics of the kids enjoying some recent goodies that they recieved.
Soon I will post some pics of when we went to the beach.
Dorian and Cindy

Friday, March 02, 2007

Swimming Pool

This is pictures of the kids enjoying their new pool. Ashley was kind enough to buy the kids one and it just turns out that the last week or so has been hotter than normal. So the pool has been a treat for the kids and they love it. They actually have gotten in the habit of going swimming every afternoon. So enjoy the picture and as you can see they sure do enjoy their new pool.

Ashley and Marjuri