Wednesday, February 27, 2008


As we have all heard this saying many times, "It's my way or the highway."
But in all of this we need to remember that it is not about self, but about serving and in giving up self.

"Love does not insist on it's own way"

"Love is not self-seeking"

As a matter of fact, though love never insists on its own way, people are drawn to follow the way of love.

The only true way of thru Jesus!


Please continue praying for Rudy as he just has a hard time getting out of the mentality of stealing. It really is a struggle for him, but I am not too sure how much he really wants to work at it to change. So please as you daily lift "Casa" up in prayer, stop right now and pray for Rudy, and that he will have an overwhelming urge to want to change and live differently!

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Yovani and Fernando

Boys with their blocks and cars

Monday, February 25, 2008

11 more days!!!

In case you all have forgotten I am getting married................only 11 more days!!!!!

Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Ok so this mother sure does not know how to do the whole parenting thing. Never claimed that I did but right now am just at a point not knowing so much of what we need to do with some of the children.
We have ran into a problem with our children stealing! We here at the house have done everything I think to discipline them and it is just not working. It just sometimes gets to the point wondering am I doing this right? I have been given this awesome privilage to be a momma to these kiddos and some days I wonder if I was meant to do this, but hey I guess we all have days like that.
They are stealing to the right and left. It has been an ongoing thing for awhile and sometimes I think our eyes are just blind to it and we do not even know it is happening,those smart little kiddos. Well within the last month we have had an incident it feels like everyday. I have punished, disciplined, and loved them thru all of this but it does not seem to be changing things.
Ashley and I looked at each other the other day and just said what are we going to do we these children. We were at the point we were not so sure what else there was to do, but as always we always have to pray and pray and pray. God has changed so many of our children and I know that he will continue to change their little hearts.
For two of our children it really is just a learned behavior. They knew the street life and that is what I think that they did to get by. Well here they are getting by just fine and still are wanting to do these things. It is a learned behavior and so now we are trying to show them different. They have already lived 10 years of their lives so it is hard for them to see things how we see them. So pray we patiently love them thru this.
So as times get frustrating and this mother sure does not know what to do I pray that God continues to reign down his wisdom upon me. And as for you parents our there reading this and have any advice to pass long please do so. I could always use it!

Sunday, February 17, 2008


So I was looking through some of my pictures on my computer and I found some that was from when I first stepped foot into this country that stole my heart. Thought that I would just post some pictures to show you some of my favorite memories and some of the kiddos that stole my heart when I first stepped foot in this country that I now call home.
April 2005

Friday, February 15, 2008

<3 LOVE <3

Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Spread love this special day, but don't forget the greatest example of love.................

Share God's love with everyone you know!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

First day of school

So the kids started back to school yesterday! As we were waking them up I was telling them it was the first day of school and soon as I said that they jumped right out of bed. But then I had to explain we had devo first and then we would get ready for school. So the all hurried to the kitchen and sat down ready for devo. Which it usually doesn't happen so quickly like this. They were just ready to go to school. I am sure that this getting up and being excited for school will not last very long.
Well the kids started school yesterday and they are already off today. Crazy! Supposable they are back to school again on Monday, we shall see.
Here below are a few pics captured in the morning when they were getting ready!Monica, Brayan, and Daniela
the "casa gang"

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Art Class

Fernando and his teacher
During the time period of December thru January while the kids were out of school we sent them back to school. We found a couple who is very talented here in Santa Ana and who had just decided to rent a building and start up some classes. After reveiwing the list of classes we decided to put our kids in Art Class. For the month of Dec. they made pottery and then for the month of Jan. they learned how to paint different pieces. They enjoyed it! This is trade that several people use here to make a living. So who knows if one of our kids down the road will look back on this and use it later on in life.
Also for more art pics go to and go to the photo gallery and then under the art pics.

Monday, February 11, 2008


First of all thank you to all of you who responded to my last blog and are willing to help one or our kids go to school this year.
Secondly they did not start school today. They now say that it is going to be Thurs. so we shall see. You never know here in Honduras. So as soon as they start school. I will get pics up on here and get updates to each on you on your child you are sponsoring for the school year.

Thanks again to each and everyone of you who are helping make a difference!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008


School is getting ready to start in Honduras! The normal school year for the children in Honduras is mid-February through mid November.

Casa will have 8 children attending school this year and 5 attending kinder. Each child is required to wear school uniforms. They are required to wear special white button down shirts with navy blue dress pants or skirts and black shoes.
They also have gym days and on those days they are required to wear
navy blue wind suit pants with white stripes or navy blue sweatpants with a white plain t-shirt and white tennis shoes.

The children are also required to buy all of their materials for school....the teachers do not provide anything that they need. The notebooks that they use are special notebooks and cannot be purchased in the States.
The children also have monthly fees that they have to pay that will help pay for someone to cut the grass, someone to clean the classrooms, or maybe for a school repair. So for the elementary students this is L20 or $1.00 a month each and for the kindergarten students that is L50 or $2.50 a month in fees for them to attend school.
Also they have special fees for activities through out the year. An average of $10 per child per year in special activities is required.

This all adds up to an average cost per child for school for a year is about $60.00 in clothing and $10.00 in school age fees and $30.00 in kindergarten fees per child a year and $10 special activities......that is $100 a year per kindergarten and $80 a year per school age child. If you are not able to give the full amount of $100 anything is appreciated.

Anyone willing to sponsor a child for school will receive a picture of them and give you a personal update about them and give you an email address to keep in contact with them thru out the school year.
Anyone interested please email

Thank you for helping us make a difference!

I will be sure to post pictures of their first day of school on Monday the 11th.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

More pics


Here they are on their trampoline..............that they love! They have not got tired of it yet. Still everyday that is what they want to be doing.