Ok so sorry for the lack of updates........
We have been out of internet the past week because of the hurricane that passed over us. Today is my day off and I am in town checking my email and such. We are suppose to be up with internet hopefully this week so I hope to back to the blogging world.
A lot has happened in the past couple of days and everything right now seems to be in a whirlwind. I am sure a lot of you have heard that the five boys are back with their parents. Friday the boys parents went to the judge and they gave them a letter stating that they could have custody of them again. So we at casa are still trying to process all of this. Please be in prayer for Yovani, Marvin, Mario, Francisco and Antonio. I am without words and not even too sure what to think of all of this still trying to process all of this.
On another note Friday Doris came to casa to live. This is Monica, Fernando and Katty's sister.
So please be in prayer for all of us as our hearts hurt and we are trying to work thru all of this.