Cindy and I have been through quite a lot together. She is all around, for sure my girl!!! She is growing up and maturing quite well. She still has her moments, but when I look back and think of where she came from, it is a PRAISE GOD, moment!! She turned 9 last week. I just pray continue to praise God to see the change in her life. I pray that God continues to fill those holes in her life with healing from Him!
What matters most to me is to finish what God started: the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God. Acts 20:24
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Cindy and I have been through quite a lot together. She is all around, for sure my girl!!! She is growing up and maturing quite well. She still has her moments, but when I look back and think of where she came from, it is a PRAISE GOD, moment!! She turned 9 last week. I just pray continue to praise God to see the change in her life. I pray that God continues to fill those holes in her life with healing from Him!
Saturday, July 24, 2010
2 years
soccer field
Last week the kids continued to help on the soccer field. After all fill dirt was spread out and the rebar placed on top the hard work began. This week there has been tons of people here mixing the concrete floor. I think to be exact 230 bags of cement! Soon we will have ourselves a soccer field. the kids are but besides themselves! They can hardly wait!!!!!
More pics from this week soon.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
more and more eggs
Josue is so use to seeing the others gather the eggs and he gets so excited and starts jumping and yelling EGGS , EGGS, EGGS. Well last week when we were picking and gathering beans, Jouse comes and says with excitement, look more eggs. I had to explain those were frijoles but he continued to smile and said look more eggs!!!
We are getting so many eggs we are now able to start selling them to our employees. We are selling them a little cheaper than what they can get them for any where else. So they are more than happy to buy them. Anything they can save means a lot to them and it all adds up.
Anyone have any advice of what to do to keep the chickens from eating the eggs. They pick at them till they break open and then eat the insides.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Culture Fair
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Wind Energy
This year, Honduras plans to have one of the largest wind energy farms in Latin America up and running, with an output of 100 megawatts of electricity.
Located in the municipality of Santa Ana, 24 kilometres from the Honduran capital, it cost 250 million dollars, according to owner Energía Eólica Honduras (Wind Energy Honduras), subsidiary of Mesoamerica Energy, made up of 15 business groups from the region.
In addition, Honduras will invest 2.1 billion dollars in 52 hydroelectric projects between 2010 and 2016, each with the capacity to generate five megawatts, announced the Honduran Association of Small Producers of Renewable Energy in early June.
“We based our efforts on three aspects: energy security by avoiding dependence on international petroleum prices, improving access to energy in rural zones, and sustainable development,” Association president Elsia Paz told IPS…continue Honduras Wind Energy article here.
According to Paz, promotion of renewable energy has been important for achieving a balanced diversification of the Honduran energy matrix, as 70 percent comes from fossil fuels, “a resource that is imported and leads to capital flight.”
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Monday, July 12, 2010
more work
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Monday, July 05, 2010
Exam week
Please say a special prayer for the kids as they are in exams this week.