What matters most to me is to finish what God started: the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God. Acts 20:24
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Friday, September 24, 2010
tropical storm Matthew
So the rains are starting this evening. Honduras is suppose to get hit today by Tropical Storm Matthew. There has already been so much damage with all of the rain we have had. Teguc is fragile right now and more rain being emptied on Teguc. possibly tonight. So say a prayer for those who are being effected.
We will probably loose elec, phone service, and internet service. As soon as the storm has passed I will be sure to let everyone know we are ok.
We will probably loose elec, phone service, and internet service. As soon as the storm has passed I will be sure to let everyone know we are ok.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
This week the kids have exams!!!!! They are finishing up the third period and next week they will be entering into the forth period and then out of school for the year come November.
It is a lot to do to study with so many kids. Things get a little stressful and chaotic at times with this many kids. I know hard to believe. Just pray that they can retain all that they have studied and be well rested to go to school each day.
We also have been praying for sometime now for a physcologist. We got inspected two weeks ago by IHNFA (children's services) and they gave us a reference. We have interviewed her and she starts this week.
Praying God blessed your week!!!!
Aug Update 2010
August 2010
By mid August, things have finally slowed down from summer with groups visiting. The children love the new soccer field here at Casa and enjoy it every day. They are training and working on becoming the "Casa de Esperanza" All Star soccer team. Almost all of the bicycles have been repaired, thanks to Josue. So when they are not playing soccer, they are riding their bikes on the field. The children have not had much school. And when they do have classes they are not very consistent. Most weeks they attend maybe three days a week and then get out of class early. Towards the end of the month the teachers finally resolved their problem with the government for the time being and classes are back to normal.We have suffered through lots of fevers and sickness the first weeks of aug, We had the first kids becoming ill, tested for dengue just to make sure they did not have this dreaded fever. Thank you Lord, it was nothing serious and the tests came back fine. It was just a virus that went through most of the children.
Dorian has been on break from school, which has been a huge blessing to me. He has been able to help out with lots and lots of Casa errands and transportation. Homework continues to be one of the hardest parts of the day. Please pray that these precious children will have the desire to learn and do homework and that we that assist them are patient and wise.
Continue to pray for us and our ministry here in Honduras!
Dorian and Karen Guido
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Most of the kids love to have their turn in the kitchen and help out Dilcia or Elvia. Right now we just have the kids 10 and up on cooking duty. The other day one of the kids was unable to do their cooking day so Ana got to help out in the kitchen. Now she is asking often when she gets to help out again. Soon enough she will be 10 and get to help all that she wants.
Friday, September 17, 2010
This morning two had given their lives to Christ!!!
One of Dorian's good friends Ivan, recently came here to Santa Ana to help in the church. Great things are happening here in Santa Ana!! Dorian loves having someone here with him to share his plans, dreams, and time with in the church. Ivan and Dorian met about 5 years ago at Baxter when they were both studying there. They were both from Nicaragua and their second year decided to become roommates and became good friends. Since they have kept in contact with one another and recently Dorian asked Ivan if he would come and work with him in the church here in Santa Ana. Ivan has a great passion for lost souls and working with the church.
Dorian and Ivan recently put a challenge out there for everyone. Every night at 8pm everyone in the church is praying for three things: 1) the church in general 2) those who have left the church 3) that the spirit is alive and working in each person. No matter where you are at 8pm take the time and join praying for the church in Santa Ana.
God is already moving and changing hearts! I am excited to see what God has in store for us as a body of believers.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Feliz dia del nino
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Good Byes
Why, oh why are good byes never easy???
I just wish my family and Honduras were a little closer! It is so hard at times being away from them. There is not much from the states that I miss other than family and friends! God continues to give me the strength to be here right where in Honduras and leads and guides me. I just need to remember at times when it is so hard to be away from those I love that God has placed me right where I am for a reason!
Friday, September 10, 2010
Kids Days
Rosy dressed up for culture day at school this week
This week has been full of celebrations in the school. Today is children's day! It is a huge thing here and they celebrate with all of the kids. There have been celebrations all week and will continue through out the weekend. The kids love the pinatas, candy, cake, food, and just plain old fun being kids. Today when I picked them up from school they all came to the car with their toys, candy and were covered in mud! I think they had the pinata in a muddy field. The kids had rolled around in the mud. Let's just say there was a lot of washing in the pila when they got home from school today.Happy Kids Day!!!!!!
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Thursday, September 02, 2010
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