I hope my words and thoughts please you.
Lord, you are my ROCK, the one who saves me!
What matters most to me is to finish what God started: the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God. Acts 20:24
Thursday, April 28, 2011
22 Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. 23 They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. 24 I say to myself, "The LORD is my portion; therefore I will wait for him." 25 The LORD is good to those whose hope is in him, to the one who seeks him; 26 it is good to wait quietly for the salvation of the LORD
Lam. 3
Lam. 3
Monday, April 25, 2011
bust a myth
It’s National Infertility Awareness Week® (NIAW) April 24-30, 2011
Read Bloggers Busting Infertility Myths!
NIAW is off to a great start – many thanks to the more than 70 bloggers already participating in the “Bust an Infertility Myth Blog Challenge.” Some blogs are moving, some humorous, some heartbreaking, some inspirational… and every single one presents someone’s unique point of view. These are a must read and must share!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
March Update 2011
We have an amazing new house mom, Mirian! She has really stepped up and seems to do such a good job at Casa. She started the first of the month and then the last of the month we got two new kids to live in her house. Emilse Guadalupe and Carlos Adonis, they are brother/sister. So pray for Mirian and the new kids as they continue to adjust to Casa.
After much thought and prayer Dorian has decided to leave the church. He is taking some time off to see what God has planned for him. He just feels burnt out and without passion. Many of us I know go through these stages but some of us are just too embarrassed to speak up and say we are drowning or need a break. I know this was a hard decision for him to make. He is just taking some time off til the end of summer and if he regains his passion or fills differently he will more than gladly work at the church again in Santa Ana.
Lastly we would like to ask for help. We really would love to have a vehicle we could purchase of our own. We use Casa de Esperanza vehicles. Dorian mostly uses a gas truck that sucks the gas out of it. We would like something that we could have of our own and be more cost efficient. I know this may seem like a big request to some of you. Although we have debated for over a year on what to do vehicle wise. Although we feel it is time we ask if any of you would be willing to help us. Any interested can leave money on our pay pal on my blog spot (the link is listed below) or email me and I can let you know how to send the money to us.
March 2011We started the month off by celebrating 3 years of marriage. It still amazes me that God brought us together almost 5 years ago and what he had all of this planned out for us. How blessed we are to have one another. We pray that God continues to richly bless our marriage. We fervently ask for your prayers as we struggle with infertility. We would love to start our own family!!!! We continue to wait and trust in HIM who is bigger than all of this.
A few of the ladies in the church have started up a ladies bible class on Saturdays. It really has been a blessings to so many of us. We are all taking turns teaching one another. Most of us have no experience teaching adults but to date 5 women including me have brought a message to the rest of the ladies in the church. It is a great time for us to fellowship and just be together as a group of women and share. The women are starting to do small raffles and sales and they are hoping to soon be able to give back to others there with the money they are collecting. There plan is to offer different classes to women there in the community (such as jewelry making, crochet etc).This is a great opportunity to reach out to some of the ladies in the community.
Nothing much has changed with the kids in their classes. They continue to inconsistently have classes. It is so hard on the kids. Hoping that things take a change for the better soon. This is the future generation they are lacking on educating.
Pamela continues to have problems with her foot. She is still using crutches after having the small surgery on her foot to take off the scar tissue. She has a few stitches left in her foot that is bothersome. She hopes to get back to the Dr. soon to get them taken out and continue to be on the road to recovery.
We have an amazing new house mom, Mirian! She has really stepped up and seems to do such a good job at Casa. She started the first of the month and then the last of the month we got two new kids to live in her house. Emilse Guadalupe and Carlos Adonis, they are brother/sister. So pray for Mirian and the new kids as they continue to adjust to Casa.
After much thought and prayer Dorian has decided to leave the church. He is taking some time off to see what God has planned for him. He just feels burnt out and without passion. Many of us I know go through these stages but some of us are just too embarrassed to speak up and say we are drowning or need a break. I know this was a hard decision for him to make. He is just taking some time off til the end of summer and if he regains his passion or fills differently he will more than gladly work at the church again in Santa Ana.
Lastly we would like to ask for help. We really would love to have a vehicle we could purchase of our own. We use Casa de Esperanza vehicles. Dorian mostly uses a gas truck that sucks the gas out of it. We would like something that we could have of our own and be more cost efficient. I know this may seem like a big request to some of you. Although we have debated for over a year on what to do vehicle wise. Although we feel it is time we ask if any of you would be willing to help us. Any interested can leave money on our pay pal on my blog spot (the link is listed below) or email me and I can let you know how to send the money to us.
Blessings~Dorian and Karen Guido
Friday, April 15, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Crazy how I quickly I forget some of the conveniences of being here in the states. After being here only a few days I am already blessed and reminded of the many conveniences of living here in the states.
To name just a few that has stood out to me in the last couple of days!
To name just a few that has stood out to me in the last couple of days!
- Went to get my license renewed and Dorian could not believe that in just a matter of 15 minutes that I had my my new license and we were on our way. Things in Honduras don't seem to work so smooth. They can take a hours or sometimes turn into a whole day or even turn into a whole week or longer. The people at the DMV were super nice and it was super quick. I think I had forgotten how much easier it is to get things done here stateside.
- Taking a nice long hot shower with pressure. We have hot water showers there but sometimes I can't seem to get the shower at just the right temperature. As for the pressure, it is unheard of. We are luck to have a small stream or drizzle at times and then I am luck to get all of the soap and shampoo/conditioner off of me. So I am loving the nice long Hot pressurized showers!!!
- I am finding myself throwing my toilet paper away in the trash cans in the bathrooms. It is so nice to be able to go to the bathroom and not worry about flushing your toilet paper. Who would have ever thought, the freedom of flushing your toilet paper.
- Samoas!!!!! :)
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Ana is growing into quite the young lady. As she goes through changes in her body there seems to be a lot of mood swings. She seems to get quite short and angry quickly. Let's hope she quickly moves through this phase. Not too sure what we will do if things get worse before they get better. So please be sure to keep Ana in your prayers!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
We are in Ohio visiting with family and friends. It is a much needed break.
Although the kids made it hard on us to leave. Sunday morning I helped as usual to get all of the girls ready for church. Most of the kids began to ask me when we were leaving and asking when we would be back and such. I reassured them not to worry that we would be home in a month.
When it was time to get ready and walk out the door to church I hugged the kids and told them good bye. Well a few of them started to cry. Cindy first of all found her way over to me and nuzzled herself up into my chest as she cried. Pamela was trying to be tough but was not wanting to tell me good bye. As I tried to put my arm around her down the hallway she went to her room to cry and try to be tough. She finally composed herself and back out of her room she came. Shortly after Cindy got started crying Ana and Sisi then were wrapped around me too crying. I reassuring them I would be back in a month and there was nothing to be crying about.
Adonis came up to the girls as were all standing outside and says look at me girls I'm not crying. To which Pamela in very stern voice says well it's because you don't love her. And she started crying. Seeing the other kids upset and crying was really nothing out of the norm. Although to see Pamela upset and crying tugged at my heart. Little Josue was trying to understand too. As he looked at my with his little poutty face with is lip stuck out as he told us good bye.
I sat and had a talk with all of the kids and told them to step up and help out and really try their hardest to be good while I was gone.
Although the kids made it hard on us to leave. Sunday morning I helped as usual to get all of the girls ready for church. Most of the kids began to ask me when we were leaving and asking when we would be back and such. I reassured them not to worry that we would be home in a month.
When it was time to get ready and walk out the door to church I hugged the kids and told them good bye. Well a few of them started to cry. Cindy first of all found her way over to me and nuzzled herself up into my chest as she cried. Pamela was trying to be tough but was not wanting to tell me good bye. As I tried to put my arm around her down the hallway she went to her room to cry and try to be tough. She finally composed herself and back out of her room she came. Shortly after Cindy got started crying Ana and Sisi then were wrapped around me too crying. I reassuring them I would be back in a month and there was nothing to be crying about.
Adonis came up to the girls as were all standing outside and says look at me girls I'm not crying. To which Pamela in very stern voice says well it's because you don't love her. And she started crying. Seeing the other kids upset and crying was really nothing out of the norm. Although to see Pamela upset and crying tugged at my heart. Little Josue was trying to understand too. As he looked at my with his little poutty face with is lip stuck out as he told us good bye.
I sat and had a talk with all of the kids and told them to step up and help out and really try their hardest to be good while I was gone.
Saturday, April 09, 2011
Tae Kwon Do
The boys are really excited as today they started Tae Kwon Do classes. The mayors office is helping to offer classes to the community in the community building. The kids will have class every Sat and Sun from 2-4pm. Every 6 months the kids will graduate and step up to the next belt level. We shall tell with time if this is something that they stick with or not.
Jackson didn't listen so well in class but I think they will quickly find out that this is nothing to play with. The teacher made him do a lot of push ups for not listening. So next time I think he will think twice about listening.
Jackson didn't listen so well in class but I think they will quickly find out that this is nothing to play with. The teacher made him do a lot of push ups for not listening. So next time I think he will think twice about listening.
Friday, April 08, 2011
He still is adapting and adjusting to life here at Casa. He is such a sweet kid just needing lots of love, stability and direction. Mirian our new house mom is doing a great job with both of her new kids.
He is anxious to start school. He sees the rest of the kids get ready every day for school and is wanting to know when he will go. We still need his school cert. so we know what grade he has completed. There is a little uncertainty as to what grade he is in.
Although Mirian has him doing a little bit of school work every morning.
Thursday, April 07, 2011
happy birthday katy
Where do you go to 1st?
"Most of the people you're talking to about your problems, don't even know what to do about their own. Try going to the Throne, not the phone."
We are all guilty off this at times. May we look to HIM 1st and foremost in everything we do. When we have problems sometimes he is the last one we come to. May we all remember to come to HIM with every care we have. He cares and is listening and some of the the best advice He will give you is found right there in front of you (the Bible).
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Lupita (Gudalupe)
Lupe started kinder yesterday. She is a very sweet little girl. Just struggling to sit still at times when we are at the table, church, devo and such. And it is so sweet to see the way her and her brother Adonis love one another. They are always wanting to play together, hug one another or just laughing together. They have a wonderful brother/sister relationship.
Although she has a small problem when she talks. Some words she has problems pronouncing. We are going to have to look into getting her into a speech therapist at Teleton.
Thank you to all of you who have covered our new kids in prayer. May you continue to pray for them as they adjust here at Casa.
Saturday, April 02, 2011
Dorian tested all of the games on the kids 1st with the kiddos to make sure it would work before he did it with the youth group.
Yep, that sure is Dorian with pantyhose on his head! :)
Jose, Katy, Rosy, and Fernando
Friday, April 01, 2011
new kids
Yesterday two new kiddos came to CASA!! It has been over a year since we have taken more kids. The other kids were not to excited about more kids coming. Although once the kids got here all of the other kiddos were sure to welcome them and want to play with them. There is a lot of adjustment for our kiddos, the staff, and the new kids.
Please be sure to cover us and them in your prayers!
Please be sure to cover us and them in your prayers!
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