July 2011
During the month of July we continued to see many groups visiting here at Casa. The children really enjoyed getting to see many familiar faces and also meet new ones. Several of the groups took the children on outings. They had an afternoon at the river, movie day at the mall, and supper at KFC as guests of the groups. We want to thank each and every one of you that let one of these little ones into your heart. Thanks for loving on them and caring for them in such a loving manner. Many of the group members have committed to help support the children and pray for them. We are also thankful for those of you who helped to meet some of our needs by sending short, bikes, deodorant, etc. It is such a huge blessing to have so many of you care for us here at Casa.
In Mid July I hit the 4 month mark of my pregnancy. I am still feeling great and God has really blessed me thus far with an uneventful pregnancy. It still feels kind of unreal that we are finally expecting, but it won't be long until I will feel the baby kick and my belly will really begin growing. The children are all really excited about the whole process and each day brings new questions. A few of them have witnessed Dorian kissing my belly and tell the baby good morning. A few of them have picked that up and they too are talking to the baby daily.
The children received their report cards for the second grading period and most of them had some grades go down. Not sure if the work is just getting harder or that they are just losing interest.
We are hoping that this 3rd grading period they will be able to bring their grades up. The good news is that they continue to have classes 5 days a week. That is a lot more than they have gone the past two years. The teachers are telling us to prepare for the month of September and times of no classes. They say they are expecting there to be strikes and such. The goverment is wanting to change the way the education system works here and many are expected to protest. Please join us in praying that they can get this settled before it comes to the teachers on strike.
Dorian was super busy this month working with groups. He was their chauffeur, translator, and helped on the work sites. He has really enjoyed getting to work with the groups. This has given him opportunity to practice his english.
Please continue to remember us here at Casa in your prayers and support.
Dorian and Karen Guido