Hey wanted to let you all know that the construction is going along on the childrens home. They are stuccoing the walls this week and putting on the roof. Things are moving along. Sorry that I don't have pictures to put on here but i forgot my camera the other day when we went out to Santa Ana. It should be up and going for the opening in Decemeber. There is alot to do but I know that it will all come toegether. Me and Jen also went shopping for tile this week for the home and that was quite an experience. Seeing we speak next to none spanish. Although we managed to go to three shops and got estimates and all. So they are probably going to be laying the title next week. We are looking for anyone that is good at laying and cutting title that could come down here and lay it. If anyone would volunteer their time their ticket would be bought and they would be put up for free. So if anyone is interested let me know. Send me an email or leave me a comment on here.
Me and Jen having been on our own the last couple of days in the city. We are doing very well with getting around and learning where everything is. Jen is having to do all of the driving right now b/c I still haven't learned how to drive a stick. It will come. We have been going to lanugage training for 2hours a day and we are learning alot but it is alot to take in. Just like everything else "We'll learn".
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