A little boy who is sweet and dear to my heart just had himself his eighth birthday......Saul.
We try to have little fiestas for the kiddos here in Santa Ana on the property. Well we are finding we can not do it for everyone. Even though oh so badly we would love too it just will not work out that way. Most of them have never had a party in their life.
For Saul's bday he and his mother had talked about this day forever. And finally the day came. A few weeks earlier he had recieved a new outfit and he had been waiting in wear this outfit for the special day. Well him and his mom show up here at the house on Saturday and he is not wearing his new outift. So I get to talking to them and ask them what they are doing for the day and so on, and of course nothing special. We'll we had nothing at all planned for his bday, so the best I could think of was to take him to the pulperia. He looks at his mom with a huge grin on his face and says, "Ok mom can I go put on my special outfit now."
So away him and his mom went to go change, just to get ready to go to the pulperia. So shortly they return here to the house and are ready to go. He tells me to make sure the I get my camera b/c he wants to get lots of pictures of him on his bday and in his new outfit and make sure that we send them to Bryan, the guy that gave him his new outfit. So now it was time for picture taking time, and then off to the pulperia. So off we go to the pulperia. Saul is pretty shy so he was not jumping all around asking for this and that, but he was content just with ice cream. Then I began to ask him well what about chips?, coke?, and he just sat there with a grin on his face and shruged his shoulders. Well he ended up with a few little goodies and he thuoght that it was one of the best things ever.
We take way too many things for granted......just seeing the joy he had instilled joy in me.
He looks so big! :( I hope yall spoiled him rotten! I love you!
Isn't it crazy how we all struggle with different things? And how satan keeps after us...Its like we get over 1 thing and then he can't take seeing our strength in God so he puts something else at out feet! I am actually doing really well with it, but I always need reminding!! I think sometimes you have to hit rock bottom before you get back up, but that makes you even stronger! Have I told you how much I love you and miss you guys? B/c I do muchisimo!
love this story! Keep loving on the kids..your blessings on their lives mean more than you know!!
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