Marvin, a little worn out....

Weeeee....oh how sweet the older one helping his little brother,

Francisco, Jose, Mario, Marvin

Dilcia and little Jose eatting lunch.

Timo playing with Francisco with ELMO

Marvin, I think he found a monster truck!

The boys stepping out of the van with their little bags and ready to go see their new home.

Ok so 5 little boys tonight have a new place to call home. We went to INFA today to pick up the kiddos. Although one thing we were not expecting is to see the boys momma there. As soon as we walked in she lost is and covered her face as she sobbed into her hands. She did not want to let her boys go and let them go with someone she knows nothing at all about. We tried to reassure her that this was what was best for her and the boys. So as we sat there and embraced her and told her that it would be ok and that God was in control. Let me tell ya seeing that mommas heart hurt immediatly brought tears to these eyes. The sad thing is it did not even phase the boys that they were packing up and moving on. They had their bags in their hands and were ready to get in the van and go.
So after getting all of the paper work and all squared away we were on our way to Santa Ana. The boys soaked up the moments there in the car and thought that it was one of the best things ever. One of the boys even said how awesome the car was. As for any of you who have seen our car it is not so great but it sure does get us to and from. It was just sweet to see the things they appreciated that I would not even think twice about. The rest of the day consisted of them just playing and just soaking everything in, here at their new home.
As we were playing outside today one of the boys came up to me and asked if he was going to get to play again tomorrow. I answered him with well of course. He wanted to know how long he would be here and so on . He then said you even mean at night time we are here, and he said we get to play all of the time then. Then I responded with well at night you have to sleep and he was not too sure about that he just had so much to take in that he just wanted to play, play, play!
Ok well today was a exhausting day but oh such a good one at the same time. It is exciting for me to think what God is going to do in these little boys hearts. Pray that they come to be warriors for HIM.
Please continue to bring these sweet little boys before our great big daddy!
Marvin- 7 years old
Mario - 5 years old
Jose - 1 year old
Jose Yovani - 8 years old
Fransico - 2 years old
Ok I will try to keep you all updated on pics and stories! But ya know being a momma is a full time job so who knows if I will have time.......don't worry I will make time. Can't wait for so many of you to be here and get to love on these kiddos with us.
met two of those sweethearts today and what a plesure it was...you have some sweet boys!!!!
ok tears are rolling down my face! I know how happy you are and I only wish I could have been there to see HIS glory shine! Wow! I can't wait to hear all the stories! Your in my heart big time! Love you!!!
I'm impressed with your site, very nice graphics!
I say briefly: Best! Useful information. Good job guys.
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