As I sit here tonight, my heart is so heavy for our little Mario. Not too sure what he has been through or what he has seen, all I know is that his little heart is hurting. I am far from knowing what to do at times when he needs loved yet discplined. I just seek God and ask that He pours out abundance of wisdom on me. I plead for your prayers for Mario. It breaks my heart to see him act out the way that he does. You can see the hurt in his eyes. He is so angry one moment and the next he is hugging his little arms around my neck telling me he is sorry and how much he loves me. The hardest part it just getting through the subborn and angry moments. I have never been a momma before but I sure am trying. My attempt is far from perfect but I pray that that impact that I have on his life is a life long impression. I want him to see the love that I have for God and the relationship I have with him. I pray that he may grow to be a man of God. So I pray that he may feel loved like never before and protected like never before. I remind him daily of my love for him and the love that God has for him. May that reminder be planted deep within his heart.
Thank you for letting me share my heart tonight. It is just heavy, and I know I have an abudance of warriors our there to bring Mario before our great Big God!
Just continue to daily pray also that me and Jen are the people that we need to be to these boys.....JESUS!
You are Jesus to those precious ones He's entrusted you with... and your efforts are covered constantly in prayers...
Wow...the boys have already changed so much!!! I love you guys!! And I am always praying for you all!!
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