Thursday, May 31, 2007


Have been wanting to blog about this all week but am unsure of where to even start or what to even say. So here is my attempt to tell you what is on my heart from this sweet little gal, Pamela.
Last Monday the day begun by me and Dorian and Pamela getting up early and leaving here at 5 am to head to Teguc for an appointment for Pamela.
When the social workers brought her here to the house last Wednesday they told us that she had been thru some pretty horrendous things. She is going thru depression right now and so we are required to take her to Psychological Hospital every week at 6am. Well this past Monday we headed out to do that.
We arrived there at the hospital at 6am and entered and looked around for someone to help us. The place was packed full of people waiting to be seen by someone. Well we did not have an appointment we just had a piece of paper from the social workers stating she was to go here to be seen for her depression. Dorian makes his way thru the crowd and down a hall and finds someone who will assist us. In the process of all of this Pamela is standing with me scared to death hanging on to me and not too sure of where she is or what is going to happen. After all she has only know me for a short 6 days. After what she has been thru it is hard for her to trust anyone. I had explained to her that we had to go to the doctor for someone to talk to her and so on but it was still hard for her to rest assure that all would be OK.
Dorian returns for me and Pamela and shows us the way past the crowd and down the hall to some seats. Where we were told to sit and wait and we would be seen at 7am when the boss got there. They all thought that I was the patient the could not believe that we were bringing this little girl there to be seen there at the hospital. The majority of the people there ranged from all ages expect I only saw a few kiddos.
Now in the moments that pasted while we sat and waited was a little scary for me. I saw many who were out of their minds and were unsure of where they were or what they were doing. Sat next to one guy who just talked to himself over and over humbling under his breath. Then there was a young teenage fellow who seemed to be as if he was possessed or something. He sat there unwilling as two women restrained him in his chair waiting to be seen. Then these two young girls came in and where a little to close for comfort. Kissing each other and dressed inappropriately. I so badly wanted to at this point just leave with Pamela. This was no place to be. She has already been thru so much she did not need to see more and besides all of that I was filling a bit uneasy myself.
After sitting there in the seats for about 15mins we were then taken to the emergency room. We sat there with a few people and watched as people left and came and were so full of confusion. We sat here in the waiting room and watched the patients there in the rooms peek their heads out and watch us and they had a look as if they were lost in their eyes. I do not know what they were going thru but at this point in the morning I was thinking get me out of this crazy place. I am sure that I can find some where else Pamela can go and be seen. But we continued to wait and after about an hour the boss came. Dorian showed her the paper we had with us and we were escorted to a different area. Back down the hall and thru the crowd which had even grown bigger and down another hall were we were told to sit and wait to be seen.
Only to wait there a little bit before we were taken in to be seen. The three of us entered and sat and talked with the two psychologists before us. They asked us many questions and wanted to know how old she was and her full name and so forth. Well the judge is still working on her papers. I only knew a few things about her I told them and I was sorry but she was new and we were still waiting on the papers.
So they asked me to fill them in and tell them what I knew about this girl. I told them that she had just came to our children's home last Wednesday because the judge had sent her there with her sister and brother. None of her family is to visit her because of the things that have happened to her in the past. She has been solicited for sex on the streets by her 23year old brother for money to take care of her family. She had also worked on the streets with her younger brother begging for money for her family. She has been thru more then anyone should ever have to go thru. So with this little bit of information they asked me and Dorian to leave and they wanted to talk to her. They told me and Dorian we needed to go get some paper work done and to come back when we had what we needed for her. In the mean time they would talk to Pamela. So I reassured Pamela all would be OK and just to talk to them and tell them the truth about everything so that they could help her. She was sacred but was OK with me leaving and I told her I would be back.
So off me and Dorian went to go get this paper we had to have for Pamela. After waiting for about half an hour in this line I decided that maybe they were done with Pamela and I should go back and wait so she would not be sitting out in the hall waiting by herself for us with the papers. As I rounded the corner to go back to where Pamela was the psychologist and Pamela go running down the hall. Luckily I saw them and headed after them. To catch up with them and to find out it was only an emergency bathroom run. So I told the psychologist I would wait there with her and bring her back when she was done.
Well the bathroom like most here in Honduras was not the cleanness. The bathroom was open for all to look right in, there was no door. There were two women at the sink washing their hair. The rest were in a hustle and bustle to use the restroom. Pushing and shoving and trying to get their turn. As I stood at the door and watched Pamela was not making her way to the bathroom because she was so little and everyone was being aggressive to make their way to the front of the line. So finally I said, "Pamela get up there in the front of the line and go next." It was already past her turn so she was not crowding. She was just gaining back her rightly position. Although I did not have any toliet paper with me so we were stuck with out that. I failed there in my motherly duty. But Pamela acted as if it was no big deal and on we went.
Finally we got out of there and headed back down the hall to pass Dorian who was still in line. He has found himself in the same predicament as Pamela. Those around him were pushing and shoving and trying to make there way to the front of the line. So it was a long wait for Dorian. As we passed by he said well they need to know the full names of her parents. I chuckled and said are you kidding me I do not even know Pamela's full name. So that was left at that and we left Dorian to wait in line and back we went to the office to wait outside.
Once we were there waiting they called Pamela back in for awhile to talk to her as I waited outside the office for her. About after 15 mins they called me back in to talk to me and Pamela and wanted the papers, but Dorian was still in the line waiting for the papers. So they took me in and explained to me briefly what Pamela had told them. They said that she had a depression level of about 5 or so and that they wanted to start her on some meds to see if that would help. They said that it would not be necessary for her to come every week at 6am but that they would make some appointments for her and we would go from there. They encouraged me to talk with her and let her get out all she is feeling and reassure her she is someone and so forth. After they were finished talking with us we went back out to look for Dorian and bring the papers back to the psychologists. They were waiting on them for a client number for her and so forth.
As we ventured out thru the crowds again to make our way to Dorian we found that he was still in the line. The person that was behind him when I left him now was at the window and in front of him. I asked him what happened and he just gave a sigh and a shrug of the shoulders. Finally it was our turn. Although we were not so successful at getting the papers we needed. Finally the psychologist came out and she went in and asked for the papers and they gave them to her. So finally after a hour wait or so we had the papers that they needed for Pamela.
Only to find out after we got the papers we had to get back in the same line for an appointment card. I was thinking you have to be kidding me? This time it was all three of us and back in the line we went and waited. At this point it was getting late morning and we had not eaten anything. So Dorian went to the snack bar and got us a little something. While we waited Pamela had Dorian's ipod which she came to love! She just smiled ear to ear with it! As the day went on she opened up more and more and began to let me love on her. We finally did make it thru the line only to go thru two more before leaving. We had to pay only 5 lemps for our visit which is like $.25. And then on for her meds which where free! So about 10 or so we were on our way back to the house and out of that crazy place.
The things this little girl has seen no one even knows. She was put out on the street for a year to make money for her family. The men that were with her and the things they did to her who knows. Every time I think about it I just want to cry. As I sit here and type this tears come to my eyes to think anyone would ever do this to someone. The reality is that it happens but I thank you Lord that she is now with us. I pray that this is a place she can call home and learn to know this is a place that is safe. She can call it home. Over the past couple of days we have talked here and there and she is really starting to open up and talk to me about all of this. I just reassure her she is pretty and she needs to take care of her body that God has given her. She can make something of herself, go to school and learn and get a job. I just try to let her know she is loved and special.
So please take this girl before our God and ask him to be healing the places in her heart. I can't even begin to think of all she has gone thru but I pray that this is the start of a journey that will heal her.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007


First of all I am sorry that I have not been any better at getting pictures on here for you all to see of our new kids. As for now here are a few pictures Fernando

Daniela, Pamela,Fito

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

We will never cease to be God's children, but when we cease learning and being teachable we are no longer disciples

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Rudy and Brian are here and a few more.....

Here is Brian and Rudy.......after our long await.....they have arrived!!!!!

This is our new family of three...........sweet sweet kids

Danile the youngest of the three -4 years old

Jose Antiono(but he goes by Fitto) the middle brother - 8 years old
Pamela-the oldest of the three-10yrs old

Filling up fast

So let's just say our numbers have grown significantly over the past day. We went from having 10 to 16...........WOW! Before long we will be full. Right now we are full at least bed wise. So we are going to have to work on getting some more beds in here before we take anymore kids. But I hope that is a while because right now we sure enough have our hands full.
As with anything it takes time to adapt with them and us. We learn a long the way. I just daily beg God to give me the abundance of love I need to give to these little hurting ones. It is so easy for me to get upset and frustrated but I will never know what these kids have been thru or what they have seen.
Please pray especially for a few older ones we have which are going to be hard to work with. But I am praying my way thru this. God is good and faithful and I am sure that he will continue to be and he will show us his direction.
Ok so I know you all are excited and want to see pics. Well I will try to work on that and get some on here....ASAP! Sorry! So stay tuned in...........
Thank you again for all of you who daily pray for us and this ministry. As I have told you over and over again you will never know how much it means to us. So keep praying us thru this.......

Monday, May 21, 2007


So here is our new addition to our family! Jen went to meet with the judge today about Brian and Rudy and she ended up with this little fellow. By the way Brian and Rudy will be coming here on Wednesday so is the plan.
So please cover us in your prayers. As always it is hard at first to get the new ones adapted.
Stay tuned..........

Friday, May 18, 2007

Let us purify ourselves from everything that contaminates body and spirit perfecting holiness out of reverence for God.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mother's Day!

The things mommas will do for their kiddos.........
waking up in the night
attending to a sick child
cleaning up all sorts of bodily fluids
healing their little boo boos
loving them unconditionally
helping them with their homework
giving them advice
do their laundry
This list could go on and on but the point is moms sure do a lot for their kiddos.

Here in Honduras we also celebrated Mothers Day on Sunday. This past weekend I was busy in all of the activities that I got to participate in. Here they make a BIG deal out of it. Which is a good thing! Fathers are not so much a figure here and so they make sure to make a big deal out of the mothers that work so hard to take care of the children.

First of all on Saturday they had a presentation for the moms and all of the kids there at school had little presents for their moms and they fixed lunch and had all sorts of little goodies for us.
Then on Sunday the kids had practiced and had a presentation to give for all of the moms in front of the church. They also had fixed lunch for everyone and had cake and little gifts to give out. Just a little something to make everyone feel special.

For me this year I am not biologically a mom but God has placed 10 little ones for the time being for me to mother. So this year the kids celebrated mothers day for me! It has been about a year or so of me being a mother and I am still trying to learn all of this mother stuff. All I know it makes me have a whole new appreciation for all of ya mommas. Monica
The kids giving their presentation in front of the church


So Saturday at the school where Marvin and Yovani go they were having a Big mother day celebration. They celebrate mothers day like I have never seen it celebrated. They really want to make sure that mothers are appreciated!

Me and my boys...Marvin and Yovani

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Compassion Cont....

I blogged a couple of days ago about compassion well I have done some studying and here is some stuff I came up with. Hope that it stretches you and makes you think of the compassion Jesus had on those around him and pray that we in the same way may have that compassion.

Compassion -(Grk) to have the bowels yearn, feel sympathy, to pity, have or to be moved with compassion

Compassion-(Heb)Have compassion(on,upon), love, (find, have, or obtain,shew) mercy, have pity

Jesus so many times had compassion on those around him. Here are some instances. They were just some good reminders for me.

Matt. 9:36 When He saw them crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless

Matt. 14:14 When Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, He had compassion on them and healed the sick

Matt. 15:32a I have compassion for these people

Matt. 18:27 The servants master had compassion on him

Matt 20:34 Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes. Immediately they recieved their sight.

Mark 1:41 Filled with compassion, Jesus reached out his hand and touched the man. The leper was cured.

Mark 6:34 Jesus landed and saw a large crowd, he had compassion, because they were like sheep without a shepherd.

Luke 7:13 When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her with compassion and He said, "Don't Cry".

Luke 10:33 A samaritan , came where the injured man was, when he saw him he had pity(compassion), He went to him and bandaged him wounds.

Luke 15:20 His father saw him afar off and was filled with compassion for him.

Heb. 10:34 have sympathy(compassion) with those in prison

1 Peter 3:8 Be compassionate, loving, agreeable, symapthetic, and humble

1 John 3:17 If see your brother in need but have not pity(compassion) how can the love of God be in you

James 5:11b The Lord is full of compassion and mercy

Colossians 3:12 Clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience

Compassion is something we all need to have. It is time we start caring and quit turning our backs on those who are in need. I know I am just as guilt as anyone else.
I pray that you read these scriptures and study them and that you will look at compassion with a new prespective.

Here are some other prhases I found in other versions that was there for compassion

to have you heart broken
to be overcome with pity
to hurt for someone
to be touched
to be deeply moved
to have your heart go out to someone
to care down to the last detail
not to turn a cold shoulder

"Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching, and preaching the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When He saw the crowds, He had compassion on them, because they were harrassed and helpless, like a sheep without a shepherd.
"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few, Ask the Lord of the harvest, to send out the workers into his harvest field.
Matt 9:35-38

Sunday, May 06, 2007


Cindy and Marjuri kissing on Dorian
Fernando and Cindy


What does it truly mean to have compassion?

The word compassion has run thru my head over and over and over the past couple of weeks. Just trying to place in my mind what is compassion and what it means to have true compassion on someone.

Be free to leave me comments and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Here is little Miss Monica and all of her JOY.....


Little Miss Monica got her cast off yesterday!!! Hip Hip Horray! Her eyes lite up as she knew she was going to be getting this cast off. She has only had it for a month, but for a little child a month is a long time. She was unable to run, jump, and swim for that period of time. Now she can go back to being a little kid.
She was overjoyed and estatic that she would be getting her cast off. Although she was a little disappointed because she thought that she would be back to normal activities. Well the cast was up over her knee so it is taking a little time to get those muscules working again. But it will not be long. She is limping around but seems to be getting around. I am sure here in a day or two she will be able to walk, skip, jump, and run!
I wish you could all see and share the joy that this child has. It really doesn't matter what it is she is upbeat and had a smile on her face. To see things thru the eyes of a child..........