waking up in the night
attending to a sick child
cleaning up all sorts of bodily fluids
healing their little boo boos
loving them unconditionally
helping them with their homework
giving them advice
do their laundry
This list could go on and on but the point is moms sure do a lot for their kiddos.
Here in Honduras we also celebrated Mothers Day on Sunday. This past weekend I was busy in all of the activities that I got to participate in. Here they make a BIG deal out of it. Which is a good thing! Fathers are not so much a figure here and so they make sure to make a big deal out of the mothers that work so hard to take care of the children.
First of all on Saturday they had a presentation for the moms and all of the kids there at school had little presents for their moms and they fixed lunch and had all sorts of little goodies for us.
Then on Sunday the kids had practiced and had a presentation to give for all of the moms in front of the church. They also had fixed lunch for everyone and had cake and little gifts to give out. Just a little something to make everyone feel special.
For me this year I am not biologically a mom but God has placed 10 little ones for the time being for me to mother. So this year the kids celebrated mothers day for me! It has been about a year or so of me being a mother and I am still trying to learn all of this mother stuff. All I know it makes me have a whole new appreciation for all of ya mommas.
So Saturday at the school where Marvin and Yovani go they were having a Big mother day celebration. They celebrate mothers day like I have never seen it celebrated. They really want to make sure that mothers are appreciated!
Me and my boys...Marvin and Yovani
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