This morning I woke up not feeling so good. Today was going to be a rough day. We had to take three of our kiddos to go testify against their older brother who mistreated them.
Not too sure why I was the one feeling sick and feeling unsure about all of this. I guess I was just feeling for these three kiddos and what they were going to have to go thru. I was wishing that some how I could just take all of this away from them and if I could go thru this for them I would. But that was not an option so I was going to have to settled praying them thru this and being their by their side for them.
Our day started with us leaving the house at 7:45. We dropped the older ones off at the school and off we went to the supreme court. We got there about 8:45 to wait 45 mins. Then to find out that we were not even in the right spot waiting. So we asked around and found out where it was we were suppose to be and off we went to find the lawyer waiting on us. We arrived to find them waiting on us. The trial was suppose to start at 9:30 but the way things go around here nothing ever is on time and the court case did not even start until 10:30.
As it was time to start they took me along with the kiddos and a lawyer back to a room all alone. Meanwhile Jen and Dorian were taken into the court room where they got to see and listen to what was happening. I was back in a room clueless to what was happening. We sat and talked and played and with in 15minutes the bailiff came and opened the door and told us we could go in now. We went into the court room to find no one was even there. The room had been cleared out and the trial was over so it appeared. I walked thru the court room to exit on the other side where I found Dorian and Jen and I asked them what had happened and they told me that the brother pleaded guilty and took 15 years in prison.
So thank you Lord the kids did not have to get up there one by one and go back thru everything that has happened to them. They did not have to say anything or even see their brother. Thank you to all of you who prayed over this situation. It is a closed case now! I just pray that each and every one of the kiddos can heal from the hurts and the wounds that they have from all that happened with them.
The kids mom and one sister and brother were there also. It was a really tough situation. The kids have not seen them for a year. They have a restraining order against the family for no one to visit them. It is because the family knew what was happening to the kids and no one did anything about it. I do not know if it was for fear of the older brother, didn't care, or what. But until further notice the kids are not to be with their family. It was just hard because they wanted to love on Pamela, Daniela, and Fitto. Us along with one of the lawyers were there with the kids the whole time. So nothing bad happened. It was just so sad to see Pamela wanting to talk to them and love on them and not being able to. The lawyer over and over told her they are responsible for what happened to you. They knew what was happening with you and did nothing.
So after the case was over the lawyer permitted the mom to be there with the kids for a moment with us there with them. She has bought them chips and pop! In the short time they talked, there were tears, laughter and confusion.
All in all the kids left with us today. They seem to be OK but time will only tell. They have so many questions, confusion and anger to work thru. But with all of your prayers and support God will get them thru this.
Thank you to all of you who were at the Fathers throne bringing these little one before our Father. Although it does not stop today. May you each and every day continue to bring them before the Father. Thank you thank you thank you!
Healing is a process....