On June 28th one year ago our lives drastically changed and we became mommies to five little boys. We have went from having 5 last June to having 16 this May. To look back and see all of the challenges and all we have been thru is amazing. God has grown me in so many ways. In ways that I would never even imagined.
This past year has been a lot of firsts but a lot of good firsts! I am just excited to see what God is going to do in this 2nd year of this ministry. Just to think next year at this time if we double our numbers we could have 32 kids. I can not even imagine right now. As for now 16 is a handful and a half.....
So thank you to all of you who have supported this ministry and invested in these kiddos!
We love you!
by faith you stepped out into the unknown. God has been amazing His timing so perfect. You have a lot of struggles along the way but you have grown every step of the way into a women after Gods own heart.
May you continue to be His hands and feet not only to the kids but the Santa Ana community.
Love Dad
And after one year I am still incredibly honored to be working with YOU in this!! Now would you hurry up and get back here. We miss you!! Love ya.
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