Friday, July 06, 2007

Please help us......

June 2007

Friends and Family~

In June 2005, after much prayer, consideration, and laying it at the feet of Jesus I made the decision to move to Honduras to minister for God’s kingdom. I have spent the last two years committed to Casa de Esperanza a children’s home in Santa Ana, Honduras. What a blessing that it has been that I have not been alone. Jen Wright has also been here to help run the children’s home. We currently house 16 girls/boys under the age of 12. We give them a place to call home, and offer them hope in the name of Jesus. I am so tremendously humbled that this opportunity would even be placed before me. It has been absolutely amazing how God has had His hand in all of this thus far. Each day God is faithful to confirm that this is His plan and that He is walking beside me. This is quite a journey that I am walking; I stand before the Lord daily with a hundred reasons why I feel inadequate for the job. I wonder over and over why me out of all of the people that could be doing this. Regardless of the humanness that at moments creeps in, I am so aware that for such a time as this I am where I am called to be. Here in Honduras ministering to some broken, hurting, needy little kids.

I have left the comfort of my home to go love on kiddos that can’t remember the last time they felt arms around their little necks. Can you even imagine the joy there is in tucking a child in at night and kneeling beside their bed to thank God for giving them a home? The joys have been in becoming a family not necessarily traditionally but by God’s creativity and divine design. The opportunities are endless in the ways that I can minister. I am begging everyday to listen attentively and hear clearly the ways He needs for me to be used. It is my hearts greatest desire to be His hands and feet, to feel with His heart, and to walk in the footsteps of the One who loved so that I could love others.

Endless stories could be told of the desperate circumstances our children have found themselves in before reaching our home. Some had no names or birthdates, others have been so horribly abused that they still suffer the effects. Right now there are children all over the streets of Honduras who have no way to survive without doing horrendous things as a means of survival. They eat out of the garbage; they turn to prostitution, sniff glue so that some of the pain might be numbed if only for moments. To look at some of these children who have come off the streets absolutely tears your heart out. When I think that I am having a small part in helping be a cure for a small piece of this vicious cycle it is impossible to say no.

Until now, Jen & I have been supported by our home church. They are no longer financially able to support us.

New funding must be found for Jen and me to continue to make this a reality. I realize however that if God led me to it, He will lead me through it and so I continue to walk forward with confidence, trusting Him with every detail.

My request for each of you is that above all you would be so kind as to pray for these children, for Jen and I, and the journey that I am continuing on. As with any mission effort/ministry of this kind, raising support will be necessary. I will need to raise $20,000 to be able to continue this ministry. There are a few ways you can partner with me in this ministry. I of course covet your prayers first and foremost. I do also need your help financially if at all possible. These children need your help. If there is any way at all that you can help or would be willing to help please let me know. Anything is greatly appreciated.

All for the sake of His kingdom,

Karen Vaughan

You can send your donation to:

Attn: Tony Frock

Casa De Esperanza

C/o Belpre church of Christ

2932 Washington Blvd.

Belpre, Ohio 45714

Please make the checks out to Casa de Esperanza and enclose a note specifically stating who the funds are for. We are a faith based 501C3 non-profit organization. If you have any further questions you can email me at or visit the or my blog

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