When Satan comes back to taunt me, I replay the old tape with the new recording of God's forgiveness and redemption on it. I have said to the accuser, "You're right about one thing only. I did commit that sin, but God has graciously forgiven me. He has empowered me to live differently and even redeemed my mistakes. He has used my past experiences to make me compassionate and merciful. You cannot make unclean what my God has my clean. I've been to the cross and trusted Christ not only to save me from my sins but to cleanse my guilty conscience. You're too late, devil. You no longer have grounds to torment me. Your voice is strong and loud, But I refuse to believe you I believe God, and I will hold unswervingly to the work He has accomplished in me."
Thank you Lord for your forgiveness. As we mess up and some times even run from you thank you for always waiting with open arms. You are more than amazing! You love is unbelievable it is hard for me to even comprehend. Continue to make me and break me and make each and every part of me yours! I love you!!!
i like this k...Your in my prayers.Life isnt the same without Honduras! R
Karen-- Gods grace will always overlook our sins. Should we sin more so God can give us more grace...NEVER but it is so nice to know that HE is willing to love us no mater what. have a great day
in Honduras.
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