Today I want to ask all of you reading this to say a special prayer for Mario. All of our kids have their ups and downs as do any of us but with their down moments they tend to have flash backs from bad things that they have been thru.
For all of you who read my blog have read before that I have asked for prayers for Mario. He came here with so much anger, hurt, and confusion. He has came a long way. This June will be two years now that he has been here with us. Although for the past week he has really been testing his limits and not wanting to listen and so he acts out in anger and bites and kicks. It seems to be at least twice a day so a little draining for sure on us who are trying to calm him down. Not too sure what the reason is but I ask that all of you pray for Mario and that a peace can come over him that only God can send him. So as you read this take a minute and stop and ask God to do some work in his heart. Also pray for us who are caring for him that we will do it in the right manner. It is hard in moments when he gets in his mood to even know what to do with him.
So pray for us but more importantly pray for Mario.
Give Mario a hug and tell him that Grandma Anita is praying for him. I love you sweetheart:)
God we ask right now that you would touch Mario and let him have a peace and calm that that we know only you can give him. We dont know all the junk he has been through but you do, I ask that you also give Karen the strength and knowledge to do those things that will give Mario a feeling of selfworth and love. watch over her and guide and direct her as she attempts to be your hands and feet .
May she honor you in everything she does.
Awwww sweet Mario,
I remember those first weeks when he was with us how we'd spend so many hours of our days on the floor taking turns holding him and trying to calm him down. In the middle of his rage and biting and kicking I remember just looking at him sometimes and crying because of how much hurt was in that one little heart. Goodness.
I ache for the little man tonight and I miss the kiddo's so much. I will pray for them and for you...a special one for Mario tonight.
Please wrap your arms around him for me and tell him that Mommy Jenny loves him soooooooooooooo much. Sit down and sing Jesus Loves Me with him for me and make the biggest muscle you can and remind him that I wanted you to tell him that Jesus' strength helps when we are weak. Kiss his sweet cheek and tell him I'll see him soon and that I love him to the moon and back.
I'm praying for your heart as always.
Love you.
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