I am finally going to do something that I have wanted to do for so long, write a brief update on how things are here every month at Casa. Dorian already does monthly newsletters from the church so I will try to post what is going on in the church also for those of you that want to know. But for now here is the casa update..............
July 2008
The first part of July was spent in the states getting to take a break from everything. I went back to the states because the doctors here in Honduras thought that I needed to have kidney surgery. Well as tests were completed in the states it was evident that we have a great Big God and He sure did take care of me! The tests they ran showed my kidney was doing better then three years ago! There is no healing my kidney as it is scarred and damaged and it is only through the power of our great BIG God who is taking care of me that kidney function had improved. So thank you to each of you who prayed for me. God took care of me for sure. Dorian , my husband was able to come with me to the states for the first time, so that was an experience by itself. It was nice for him to see everything and meet everyone. He enjoyed the states but was ready to get back to his spanish speaking culture.
We flew back here to Honduras the 16th of July. We were both more than ready to be back and get back to work. I had missed the kids terribly and Dorian was anxious to get back to the church and see how things were going. He seemed to worry about it quite frequently while he was gone.
The day after arriving home we had an inspection here at casa from IHNFA which is like the childrens services. It was just our yearly inspection. All went well there! Then the 22nd of July we took in two new little girls, Sisi and Rosita. We had been working on their case before I went to the states. They had been picked up by the police for being in the streets the 21st and then they heard we were interested in taking them so now they are here at casa. They are loving it! It is challenging always when taking in new kids because they come with so many challenges but God is good to provide and heal their little hearts.
Rosita is unable to hear so that is just one more challenge that we face with her.
Johny continues to do well and now enters into our morning devotions with praying and singing praises. For those of you who are unaware, each day at Casa is started with a daily devotional of prayer and praise. We are having water shortages here at Casa but we manage. Please continue to take Dorian and myself before our awesome God and pray that we will be used for his glory.
Much love
Karen and Dorian Guido
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