Sunday, February 01, 2009

jan 09 newsletter

Jan. 2009

The new year started off with all of us staying up to see the new year in. All of the children were able to stay up until midnight on New Year's Eve and we made a celebration out of it. January has been a good month with Pamela's surgery on her foot finally taking place. She is now healing and walking on crutches. We are praying that this will be an improvement for her. She is of the age of being very self conscious of her looks and being different, so hope it heals well.
The children have all been working hard on writing their names and getting back into the mindset of school. Registration is Monday and classes begins middle of February. We pulled out all of last years uniforms and it looks as if we only need to purchase a few uniforms to begin the new school year. We are continuing to work on obtaining special schooling for Doris, Monica and Rosita and testing on Maryuri and Sisi to test for development delays. Speaking of school, Dorian has begun college and spends most of his mornings in class and then usually visits in the afternoons and has services at church on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. He is doing well but keeping very busy.
Our house parents; Fernando and Brenda have taken a new job and are no longer with Casa de Esperanza. So we will be looking for someone else to fill the new cottage so we can take more children. Please pray that the right people will come to Casa to help us care for children.
My Mom and Sharon McClead are here visiting and it is always a refreshing to have visitors from home. We believe we have our water troubles solved as a neighbor across the road has allowed us to hook up to her well for when we are out of water.
Dorian and I are continually blessed by so many of you with your support, encouragement and prayers!!!
Thank you for the blessing you are to us with our work in Honduras!

Dorian and Karen Guido

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