March 2009
We started out the month of March with Dorian and me celebrating our one year anniversary. We were able to get away for a weekend at the beach and we are both looking forward to the ways God will continue to grow us and use us in the years to come. I spend most afternoons with the children doing homework. It is quite a task each day to help each of them complete their homework but we are making it. They seem to be doing better at the new school this year. We hope and pray that this will pay off for them in the future.
Of course with school back in session, we once again had to deal with lice with our children. It is always something that we continue to screen daily for but when multiple children come home with hit instead of just a few odd ones, it is all out war again. Living here, lice is an ongoing issue that never completely disappears.
Rosy continues to have her issues at school but we here at Casa and Happy Hands School for deaf continue to attempt to hold her accountable for her actions. She is one bright girl who will go far once her energies are focused for God. Jose and Anita, our newest children continue to adapt to life here at Casa with no major issues, just the ones you would expect with them moving from a home they have been at for a couple years.
We continue to work with Teleton (special education school) with Doris, Reina (formerly known as Monica), Sisi, and Maryuri and their special needs they have. We are just now evolving into a set schedule as to when they will go every week.Transportation of these children to Teleton & Happy Hands and even local schools is huge daily undertaking.
The end of the month we took a long awaited trip to the beach! The church here at Santa Ana, rented a couple buses and the congregation goes to the beach for a day. The kids loved it! It was a very loooong day but worth it to see the laughter and excitement with each and everyone of the kiddos as had a chance to play in the surf.
Dorian continues his duties as minister here at Santa Ana, plus continues his education and helps when he can here with homework and transportation issues with the children. Please continue to lift Dorian and myself before our Father's throne that we will have all the energy and love needed to minister to those around us here at Santa Ana.
Dorian & Karen Guido
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