Friday, December 11, 2009

Thanksgiving 2009

The kids saying what they are thankful for and praying before we eat


Linda helping cut up onions, and they sure were some strong onions

Antonio helping prepare the day before
This year we had so many peopl there we had to put three tables outside
Sherry enjoying her thanksgiving meal with Maryuri and Katty
Pamela helping peel potatoes the day before

Josue Manuel
Just now getting around to blogging about our thanksgiving at Casa. About September/October the kids start realizing that thanksgiving is around the corner and they start to ask how many more days til thanksgiving and Christmas.
It is not only the kids who love thanksgiving also the staff. They all are sure to fill their plates and go back for seconds, thirds, and some even forths. At the house they usually get seconds but with thanksgiving they also get to choose what they want on their plate. We usually give them no option. The staff are all sure to save some of their food or make another plate to take home to the rest of their family. They have all learned to love our tradition, stuff their bellies, and be thankful!
Terri spends a week or more getting ready for all of this. She does all of the shopping and pretty much all of the cooking. She did a great job. She worked tirelessly! Marc had a Thanksgiving group working on building houses all week so they also joined us for Thanksgiving. I think all in all we had 60 people eating. We were not sure we would have enough but sure enough we had leftovers for the next three to fours days for the kids!
We have so much to be thankful for each and everyday!
Remember to count your blessings........

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