Friday, February 19, 2010

And back to school we go.........

Pamela, 5th grade
So the kids are back in school! They have had their first full week of classes this week. The kids all seem to be happy to be back in school. As always every year holds its ups and downs, but I am hoping that this school year is a much better one than last year.
Reina, 1st grade
Reina is repeating 1st grade as we do not feel that she is ready to move on to 2nd grade.
Antonio, 4th grade
Sisi, 1st grade
Sisi is also repeating 1st grade because she still needs to learn to read. She is already making leaps and bounds this year.
Linda, 6th grade
Jose, 2nd gradeJackson, 3rd grade
Cindy is also in 3rd grade
Pamela, Katty and Cindy in the van on the way to school.
First day of classes Feb. 10th, 2010
Everyone lined up outside waiting to find out who their teacher will be
Katy, 1st grade

Daniela, 2nd grade
Doris, 5th grade
Doris has even started school this year. She has never attended school before. Although she was estatic to beable to go to school this year with all of the other kids. I tired and tired to get a good picture of her in her uniform, but she was just so excited to go to school with the other kids that she could not hold still for the camera.
She is in 5th grade with Pamela and Brayan. Where she receives classes at Teleton they suggested that we put her in the public school system this year. Even though she is unable to do a lot of things, it isn't important that she does the work but that she associates with people her own age. So far she is doing well and loves it!!!! Please keep Doris in your prayers as this is a HUGE change for her.
Ana, 2nd grade
Brayan, 5th grade
Fernando, 2nd grade

Maryuri and Nohemy are in Kinder. They go to classes in the afternoon. This year we are working with a new kinder. We are letting them use one of the classrooms that the church uses on Sunday mornings. This is a program under the sec. of education and mostly helps those who are very poor and can not afford all of the school fees and supplies. The kids do not have to go in uniforms and they do not ask for a school supply list. So it is a wonderful thing to so many who do not have the means to send their child to school.
Please pray for each and everyone of the children as they start a new school year.
Especially pray for Cindy as the teacher in the first week if already having lots and lots of problems with her not wanting to work nor listen.

1 comment:

Anita said...

tell Cindy that gma nita knows that she will be a huge success just to go easy on the teacher.