Friday, April 30, 2010

lunch time

In the last couple of weeks the kids have not had much school. Last week they had three days and then this week they two days of school. It has also been hotter then normal at times and the kids like to mix things up and do things differently. So in the past two weeks we have had lunch a few times under the shade tree.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


Ana and Katy
Reina and Daniela

Saturday, April 24, 2010


They were only suppose to wade in the water and not get their clothes wet but hey that is pretty impossible for these kids. Especially on a HOT, hot, day!

One of our workers Pamela decided we would venture to her house to go the the creek and play and in the water and look for mangos. The kids absolutely loved it. The kids cut up all of the mangos and it made for a good afternoon snack.
Doris, she got so excited while playing she just sat in the middle of the water
Everyone getting wet
Josue and I
Reina trying not to get her shorts wet
Daniela and Maryuri
Using the tree as a balancing beam

Friday, April 23, 2010

Potty training

We are working on getting Josue potty trained
We have already potty trained four kids here at Casa. It is so nice when we do not have to use diapers, saves lots of money. Right now we have been using cloth diapers. Thanks to the ladies at Borger for making them!

Thursday, April 22, 2010


The kids all lined up looking at the chickens
The chickens
Ana, Denis, and Linda working at putting dry pine needles in to make their nests

We will soon have some fresh eggs here at Casa. Marc came home last night bringing home 30 chickens and one rooster. Well as soon as all of the kids found out this morning where looking out the windows and were ready to go out side. Soon enough once morning chores got finished we all went outside to see the chickens. We got food, water, and dry pine needles gathered up for them. The kids are all so excited about having our own eggs. Although I do not know a single thing about raising chickens. So any advice?!?!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Visit to Nicaragua

Spent the past week in Nicaragua with Dorian's family.

Looking how deep the well was, Dorian even put me to work pulling the water. Tough work!
Our little cart that we loaded 4 buckets up on to take water the the house. I think Dorian took close to 10 trips.
The well
Our nephew, Manuel pulling the bucket up with the water
One of Dorian's sisters has a shoe making business in their house in Managua. They make black dress shoes and then sell them to the local market in Managua.
I love him!!!

Last week Dorian and I made a trip to Nicaragua to work in the church in Chichigalpa and visit with his family. It was good to beable to go see his family. We had made a quick weekend trip back in November but had not been to there to stay with his mom in over a year so it was a long over due trip. Dorians mom and nephews loved having us there and we enjoyed being there with them.
Although I was reminded once again how blessed I really am and how those around me live.
The heat was unbearable at times it stayed about 100 and didn't seem to cool down at night. It was so dry and dusty that every you walked the dust stuck to you and it quickly looked like you had not taken a shower in a day or so. We also had water problems. For two days we did not have water so we went to a nearby well and hauled water to the house. Then when we did get water it came at midnight and Dorian and his mom was up two different nights filling all of the barrels and buckets with water til 2am. When the water does come you have to take advantage of it you never know when it will come again. To say the least it was an interesting trip. Just being honest it was hard for me to enjoy it at times because I am so set in my comforts. I thought here in Honduras I had given up so many comforts to be here but then going to Nic was humbling and reminded me once again how blessed I really am.
Soccer is not such a big sport in Nicaragua. Everyone there plays baseball. Our nephew had a game on Saturday and was so happy for us to be able to be there and see him play. I do not think anyone usually gets to see him play.

Tuesday, April 06, 2010

March 2010

March 2010

Dorian and I started off the month of March by celebrating our 2nd anniversary. We are so blessed by God to send us each other! As we were getting ready to leave for a night away, Dorian torn some ligaments in his ankle/heel playing soccer. He went to the Dr. where he had a cast put on and he decided it was best we did not go away for the night. He is doing well with it but frustrated at times as he can not drive any of the standard cars here right now or go visiting the people in the community. It seems to be healing but he needs to take care of it and let it heal well. Another good start of the month was having two baptisms in the first week of March.
We have worked on some schedule changes and I am now getting off work at 5 almost every evening. It is so wonderful to have some time off for myself and to be with Dorian and church opportunities. This has been a huge change for the better for me and Dorian.
The heat here has been much hotter than usual and very, very dry. No rain during March. With it being very dry we continue to have dry spells here at Casa. The children took naps on the cold tile floors many days just to cool off from the heat. Even when it is hot here in Santa Ana, it usually cools off during the night but this year, it is even making sleeping difficult. Not only are we having problems with the heat and water but with the electricity. We have spent a good part of the month with out electricity. It is a good reminder of how those around us live daily without water and electric. We are blessed beyond belief, sometimes I need that gentle reminder when I forget.
Once the children are home from school, most of the remainder of the day is taken up with completing homework assignments. Some of the homework is easy but the children do not want to do it. There is always at least one who struggles with it until supper. One has to remember that these children have many wounds and they are not your average well adjusted children. We try very hard to give individualized assistance with each one, but sometimes that leaves us feeling frustrated. Pray that we will have the patience and love they need.
Holy week was the last week in March and everything closed down and there was no school all week for the children. We started Holy week off by going with the church to the beach. Taking all of the kids to the beach is an experience in its self but the kids loved every minute of the beach. Thursday, Friday and Saturday we had limited staff working due to holy week. It is hard for any employees to have reliable transportation during holy week. Terri has to do a lot of transportation for the staff during these days.
Holy week reminds me of when I first came here to Honduras. Five years ago I traveled for the first time to this foreign country on a mission trip during Holy Week. Little did I know 5 years later that this is where I would be. It captured my heart and has yet to let go. God continues to amaze me in what He has in store for me and Dorian!

Continue to pray for our ministries.
Dorian and Karen Guido

Monday, April 05, 2010

thanks Brian


Cloth diapers!

Thanks for all of the goodies the ladies sent from Borger, TX

Sunday, April 04, 2010


nap time in the shade

It has gotten hot here in the last month or so and I am guessing it is just going to get hotter. It is usually 5 to 10 degrees hotter inside the house. So being outside and in the cool breeze is a much better option. Here in Santa Ana there is usually always a cool breeze! :)
Saturday for naps Sandra had the kids sleep outside!
Not too sure any of them slept but they enjoyed the nice cool breeze!

Saturday, April 03, 2010

Oranges and Mandarin Oranges

For the past month the kids have been climbing the the trees about two times a week to get all of the oranges and tangerines down. The ladies are sure to make juice for the kids. They almost all have too much acid to eat by themselves, but sure enough the kids still eat them. We usually do not let them climb trees either so they love this as an excuse to get to climb all over the trees.

Nohemy playing in the tree
Here is two of the many buckets of Oranges and mandarin oranges the kids picked. The kids cut them all open and squeeze all of the juice out and we freeze the juice until we are ready to use it.