Looking how deep the well was, Dorian even put me to work pulling the water. Tough work!
Last week Dorian and I made a trip to Nicaragua to work in the church in Chichigalpa and visit with his family. It was good to beable to go see his family. We had made a quick weekend trip back in November but had not been to there to stay with his mom in over a year so it was a long over due trip. Dorians mom and nephews loved having us there and we enjoyed being there with them.
Although I was reminded once again how blessed I really am and how those around me live.
The heat was unbearable at times it stayed about 100 and didn't seem to cool down at night. It was so dry and dusty that every you walked the dust stuck to you and it quickly looked like you had not taken a shower in a day or so. We also had water problems. For two days we did not have water so we went to a nearby well and hauled water to the house. Then when we did get water it came at midnight and Dorian and his mom was up two different nights filling all of the barrels and buckets with water til 2am. When the water does come you have to take advantage of it you never know when it will come again. To say the least it was an interesting trip. Just being honest it was hard for me to enjoy it at times because I am so set in my comforts. I thought here in Honduras I had given up so many comforts to be here but then going to Nic was humbling and reminded me once again how blessed I really am.
Soccer is not such a big sport in Nicaragua. Everyone there plays baseball. Our nephew had a game on Saturday and was so happy for us to be able to be there and see him play. I do not think anyone usually gets to see him play.
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