Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I am a bit down this year as I am unable to help a lot with Casa Thanksgiving. I usually help out where ever needed. This whole having my foot broken has been hard on me. God has been teaching me to be humble for sure. I hate to ask for help at times. I would rather just do things myself. Well with my foot being broken I am learning to ask for help and not feel so bad about it.
Inspite of being down I am beyond thankful for all of the blessings in my life! God has blessed me beyond what I can fathom or imagine. I just continue to stand in awe of HIM and what HE has done for me.
Thank you to each one of you who encourages me, loves me and most importantly prays for our ministry here in Honduras.

Blessings on each of you this Thanksgiving!!!! Remember inspite of all the junk going on around you there is something always to be thankful for.

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