Friday, February 25, 2011


Homework has started again! It is always a challenge! These past two weeks since the kids have started school I have had more headaches than the past 6 months. There is just so much to take in, and know and do with them right now. A little overwhelming at times for sure. Some of them have forgotten how to multiply and divide and such. So refreshing and awakening all of those things they have forgotten about. Rosy has forgotten her alphabet and numbers.
So as school starts back up it is already a huge challenge. Please take each of these kids in prayer by name!

First grade ~ Mayuri and Nohemi
Second grade ~ Katy, Reina, and Sisi
Third grade ~ Ana, Jose, Fernando, Daniela, and Rosy
Forth grade ~ Jackson and Cindy
Fifth grade ~ Antonio
Sixth grade ~ Brayan and Pamela

So we for sure have our hands full this year!!!! Hope we all make it through the year!!!!

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