January 2011
My dad missed his flight and stayed an extra week here in Honduras with us. He continued to helped fix and repair things here at Casa. Lots and lots was accomplished because of his help. At the end of his stay both him and me got sick and had a the flu bug for a couple of days. It took us about two weeks before we got it totally out of our systems.
The first Santa Ana church campaign was held the second week of January. A couple of people came from Nicaragua to help work alongside Dorian. Lots of visiting, studying, and fellowship took place. They had meetings towards the end of the week. A couple of people recommitted their lives to Christ and 8 souls were added to the kingdom of God. May great things continue to happen here in the community of Santa Ana.
Dorian immediately started back to classes after the campaign ended. . This semester is a little different than what he is used to. He is taking classes in the afternoon to get all the classes in that he needs. He gets home a little before 7 to just walk out the door and go to church on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. He even has classes on Saturdays this semester and that makes me sad as that is my day off. He does have Fridays free so we can make time together Friday afternoons/evenings.
Mi Esperanza had their board meeting for planning and praying for 2011. I am on the Mi Esperanza board so I spent a weekend with the other board members planning and listening to their dreams for 2011. Excited for all that is to happen in that ministry.
Help has finally arrived!!! Hallelujah!!!!! Stacey & Marc & Terri are back. So that has helped lift the work load some and just helps to balance things out.
We also have canceled our Doral, FL address. It was costing us too much and was not very helpful. Any sorts of packages we had to pay to get them so it was not so convenient. We now are using the local Santa Ana address. We were afraid to use it at first because we thought things would get lost on there way. We have received several things and they have made it to us just fine. So if you would like to send anything to us the new address is:
Dorian & Karen Guido
Casa De Esperanza
Aldea Guayabito
Atras del parque Guayabito
Santa Ana, F.M.
I want to thank so many of your for your continued support, love, prayers, and encouragement that you give us. We are blessed to have so many great people in our lives. May God truly continue to bless each and everyone of you.
Dorian & Karen Guido
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