What matters most to me is to finish what God started: the job the Master Jesus gave me of letting everyone I meet know all about this incredibly extravagant generosity of God. Acts 20:24
Monday, May 30, 2011
Ps 103
1 A psalm of David. Praise the LORD, I tell myself; with my whole heart, I will praise his holy name. 2 Praise the LORD, I tell myself, and never forget the good things he does for me. 3 He forgives all my sins and heals all my diseases. 4 He ransoms me from death and surrounds me with love and tender mercies. 5 He fills my life with good things. My youth is renewed like the eagle's! 6 The LORD gives righteousness and justice to all who are treated unfairly. 7 He revealed his character to Moses and his deeds to the people of Israel. 8 The LORD is merciful and gracious; he is slow to get angry and full of unfailing love. 9 He will not constantly accuse us, nor remain angry forever. 10 He has not punished us for all our sins, nor does he deal with us as we deserve. 11 For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth. 12 He has removed our rebellious acts as far away from us as the east is from the west. 13 The LORD is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. 14 For he understands how weak we are; he knows we are only dust. 15 Our days on earth are like grass; like wildflowers, we bloom and die. 16 The wind blows, and we are gone -- as though we had never been here. 17 But the love of the LORD remains forever with those who fear him. His salvation extends to the children's children 18 of those who are faithful to his covenant, of those who obey his commandments! 19 The LORD has made the heavens his throne; from there he rules over everything. 20 Praise the LORD, you angels of his, you mighty creatures who carry out his plans, listening for each of his commands. 21 Yes, praise the LORD, you armies of angels who serve him and do his will! 22 Praise the LORD, everything he has created, everywhere in his kingdom. As for me -- I, too, will praise the LORD.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Today is Fernando's birthday!
We did not really celebrate today because Terri bought a cake to take to visitation Friday and celebrated with his family. Some of the kids upon finding out were not too happy. They were upset that they missed out on the cake here at CASA. So Fernando says we just needed to get another one today for everyone at CASA!!!
Saturday, May 28, 2011
Mel is back!!!!!
So Mel the ex-president made his way back to Honduras today! There has been lots of hype and such today. You can follow what happened by going to the link above.
So Mel the ex-president made his way back to Honduras today! There has been lots of hype and such today. You can follow what happened by going to the link above.
Friday, May 27, 2011
May Visitation
Bryan some how got away from me and wouldn't let me take a picture of him with is mom and brother!!!!!!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Summer time groups are starting to get into full swing. Lots of white faces!! Which I don't see very many of those often! Most of the kids have made lasting relationships with people over the years. Many of the kids have already been asking if "their person" is coming this year!!! Please know the kids do not forget about you. Just as they have made imprints on your hearts you have on theirs too!
I have already got few emails asking what people can bring to help CASA out. Please leave me a comment here or send me an email and I will get back to you with what we need here at CASA. We always have a needs list!!!!
Thank you for so many who love this place, these kids and cover us in prayer!!!
Blessings on your 3 day weekend!!!!! :)
I have already got few emails asking what people can bring to help CASA out. Please leave me a comment here or send me an email and I will get back to you with what we need here at CASA. We always have a needs list!!!!
Thank you for so many who love this place, these kids and cover us in prayer!!!
Blessings on your 3 day weekend!!!!! :)
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Happy 4 years Pamela, Antonio, Daniela and Bryan!!! Four year ago I believe today they came here to call CASA home. Have seen them grow physically and spiritually!!!!!! Antonio, Pamela and Bryan are entering into their teenage years, heaven help us!!!!
I pray that God just continues to work in their lives and that they grow up to be men and women who seek after HIM!!!!
I pray that God just continues to work in their lives and that they grow up to be men and women who seek after HIM!!!!
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
Saying good bye
I don't think anyone enjoys saying good bye!!!
Stacey after interning here with us at CASA for a year decided to go back to the states. :( It will be a void for all of us. The ladies were all upset this morning as some of the kids were asking why she had to leave. They just don't understand.
I want to thank Stacey for for year commitment to CASA! I know you you have left footprints of each and everyone of the kids.
Stacey after interning here with us at CASA for a year decided to go back to the states. :( It will be a void for all of us. The ladies were all upset this morning as some of the kids were asking why she had to leave. They just don't understand.
I want to thank Stacey for for year commitment to CASA! I know you you have left footprints of each and everyone of the kids.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Since we have had him here we have struggled with him having diarrhea. He struggled to eat some of the foods here at first and adapt. Now he doesn't skip a beat he eats everything all of the time.
Since I have returned from the states I have noticed he has not been feeling so well. In the morning when we go to wake him out he has been having accidents and covered in poop. This is not fun for him or us!!!! We put him on a light diet last week and it seemed to settle his stomach and he seemed to be doing better. Well this weekend he went back to eating normal again and he started getting sick again.
So today he went to the Dr. He has an infection in his intestines. For today he was on a strict diet of only drinking sprite, gatorade, pear and apple juice. Tomorrow we got back to the Dr. and we will get instructions as to what he can and can't have tomorrow.
Let's just hope he gets better real soon!!!!!!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
My girl Cindy...
Some might say she is still pretty stubborn but hey for me I see so much change in her. And I thank and praise God for the change He has and continues to makes in her life.
I just pray that God continues to use me to guide, direct and love on her!
I think because of the many hours we use to sit in the hallway together until she calmed down bonded us. She would take hours sometimes before she decided she was going to listen and calm down. In some of these moments I sure wanted to throw my hands up and give up. I thought to myself as she banged her head up against my chest and screaming, "I hate you", I really thought to myself what in the world am I doing here!!!!!! But it has all been worth every second!!! She is a treasure and she is starting to realize that she is a jewel!
So thank you to so many who have battled along in this journey with us in prayer for my sweet Cindy. Please continue to pray that HE shines in her life!!!!! To God be the Glory!!!!!!!
Saturday, May 21, 2011
So impressed with the staff here at Casa de Esperanza. Really in the past year I have worked hard on making them not be so reliable on me. Which has freed me up A LOT!
While in the states there is not as much worry as there used to. The staff have matured, grown, and learned a lot. They continue to learn but they have come such a long way. I am proud of them and the hard work they do daily for the children here at CASA.
While in the states there is not as much worry as there used to. The staff have matured, grown, and learned a lot. They continue to learn but they have come such a long way. I am proud of them and the hard work they do daily for the children here at CASA.
Friday, May 20, 2011
This World is Not My Home!!!!!
Sharing a friends blog................
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Adonis & Lupe
Adonis really seems to be struggling with homework. He still is not in school but Mirian gives him homework to do every day. Sometimes a page that should take a total of 10mins takes him up to an hour. Some days are better then others. Not too sure if it is just him being lazy or ADD.
Lupe seems to be adjusting well. Just has problems with sharing or getting her way. She seems to whine a lot. Really trying to get her to talk more and express herself more then just in whining.
All of us here at CASA love having Lupe and Adonis here in in our home. We all have come to love them just like the rest of the kiddos!!!!
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Pamela is doing better but still struggling. She can't put a lot of pressure on her foot. Her feet get tired real quick. She finally quit using her crutches which I think will help her out so get use to walking again. It has been close to two months she has been using the crutches.
Please continue to pray for her as her foot heals. Sadly it looks like something she is always going to have to deal with but for now I hope it gets better.
Tuesday, May 17, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Well last week at school we got a note sent home saying her behavior was horrible. She did have a substitute teacher for the last 2 weeks and I think she took that chance and ran with it to the fullest. She has even in the past two weeks hid some of her books. She seems to be clueless as to where her books are. She has hidden them somewhere to keep from doing homework.
Well today her teacher returned and guess what they found one of her books. So lets hope the others show up too.
Oh Rosy!!!!! Wondering if these teenage years are just going to get worse with her. I sure hope not, but if so we are going to need lots of prayers to get through the years to come with her.
Saturday, May 14, 2011
Mother's Day Celebration
Happy Mother's Day!
Mother's day was last weekend but the school held off to celebrate this weekend. I know Pamela was terribly worried if I would be here for the celebration. I had told her that I would be in the states for mother's day and she started to cry. Not too sure why but she was very worried that I would not be there for the mother's day celebration in the school. Well since that had it a week later I was here for the celebration. Some of the kids got to participate in different acts, drama and etc. They all did a great job!!!!
Monday, May 09, 2011
April Update 2011
April 2011
The new children, Adonis and Guadalupe continue to settle in at CASA. What a huge blessings that they now have somewhere where they are loved and a place to call home.
The first week of April the children actually had a full week of school. YIIPPPPPEEEE!!!! This is the first time it has happened this school year! They say they are going to have to start having classes on the weekend to make up for the days missed. This is very hard to believe. I will believe it when it happens.
Tae Kwon Do classes started being offered in the community building for a small price. Four of our boys are in this class and really seem to be enjoying it so far. They take the class on Saturdays and Sundays from 2 til 4. It is a 6 month class for every belt. So if they decide to stick with this they will just continue to take classes and continue to move up belt levels. For those of you who know Jose this is like is dream come true. He lives is defense mode fighting off all of his imaginary friends and sometimes even some of the kids when they make their way close enough to him. We are excited for this class for the boys and hope it will be a great way for some of the them to release all of that energy they have.
Visit to Ohio!!! Dorian and I were able to come home and enjoy some time with family and friends and just to relax and get away from everything!!! A much needed break!!!! We always enjoy being here with family and friends but it is always hard when your heart is in two places. Missing the kiddos and Honduras. Although I am not quite sure that my heart will ever be in one place again. My two worlds just need to be a little closer to make this easier on us!! While in Ohio we got to experience two new babies making their way into the world. Even made a trip to North Dakota to see one of these babies!!! So Dorian got to travel quite a bit and see a lot more of the states.
Dorian and Karen Guido
The new children, Adonis and Guadalupe continue to settle in at CASA. What a huge blessings that they now have somewhere where they are loved and a place to call home.
The first week of April the children actually had a full week of school. YIIPPPPPEEEE!!!! This is the first time it has happened this school year! They say they are going to have to start having classes on the weekend to make up for the days missed. This is very hard to believe. I will believe it when it happens.
Tae Kwon Do classes started being offered in the community building for a small price. Four of our boys are in this class and really seem to be enjoying it so far. They take the class on Saturdays and Sundays from 2 til 4. It is a 6 month class for every belt. So if they decide to stick with this they will just continue to take classes and continue to move up belt levels. For those of you who know Jose this is like is dream come true. He lives is defense mode fighting off all of his imaginary friends and sometimes even some of the kids when they make their way close enough to him. We are excited for this class for the boys and hope it will be a great way for some of the them to release all of that energy they have.
Visit to Ohio!!! Dorian and I were able to come home and enjoy some time with family and friends and just to relax and get away from everything!!! A much needed break!!!! We always enjoy being here with family and friends but it is always hard when your heart is in two places. Missing the kiddos and Honduras. Although I am not quite sure that my heart will ever be in one place again. My two worlds just need to be a little closer to make this easier on us!! While in Ohio we got to experience two new babies making their way into the world. Even made a trip to North Dakota to see one of these babies!!! So Dorian got to travel quite a bit and see a lot more of the states.
Dorian and Karen Guido
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