Some might say she is still pretty stubborn but hey for me I see so much change in her. And I thank and praise God for the change He has and continues to makes in her life.
I just pray that God continues to use me to guide, direct and love on her!
I think because of the many hours we use to sit in the hallway together until she calmed down bonded us. She would take hours sometimes before she decided she was going to listen and calm down. In some of these moments I sure wanted to throw my hands up and give up. I thought to myself as she banged her head up against my chest and screaming, "I hate you", I really thought to myself what in the world am I doing here!!!!!! But it has all been worth every second!!! She is a treasure and she is starting to realize that she is a jewel!
So thank you to so many who have battled along in this journey with us in prayer for my sweet Cindy. Please continue to pray that HE shines in her life!!!!! To God be the Glory!!!!!!!
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