May 2011
The first two weeks in May Dorian and I enjoyed the end of our visit to the states. We enjoyed our time with family and friends. It is always bittersweet to say good bye but is was good to get back home and into our routine here. The staff and children were all very happy to see us. School is getting a little more consistent these days and are having classes 4-5 days weekly finally.
Rainy season has begun and this is the first rain since last October. Enjoying the rain for the time being, with it raining a couple times weekly. Our water situation is much better since we had a new well drilled. It is nice to not run out of water when you have so many children.
Dorian and I are expecting our first child the end of this year. We are beyond ecstatic!. I am currently about 3 months pregnant. Many of you know that we have been trying for around two years to have a baby. Now that we are, it feels kinda surreal. These last two years have felt like an eternity to us. We have both wanted to cry, scream and be angry at times. There have been a lot of questions and what if's and wondering why. We both knew that God has His hand in this but it was hard to understand at times. I kept telling Dorian that we will have this baby "by faith", but to be honest, there were times that I thought I had lost my faith. Thanks to each of you who were faithful with your prayers for us.
Dorian has taken a break from his schooling right now and is working with the groups that are coming on mission trips.
We are truly blessed by each and every one of you. Thank you so much for supporting, encouraging and praying for us.
Dorian & Karen Guido