Marc called me over while the kids were playing outside today and he said look at what Jose had done. I thought well a little vaseline or soap and water we could get it off. Well we twisted and pulled and several of us tried to get it off but no luck. Marc decided he was going to get something to try to cut it off and some WD40. Still no luck. At this point a good half an hour has went by and we were having no luck at getting this ring off of his finger. Marc decided he was going to take him to the local hospital and see if they had something they could cut it off with. I told Marc I would go along too.
We got to the hospital to find out they did not have any special tools to get this off of his finger. We were there over an hour and the Dr and nurse were pulling, sawing, prying and trying to get this thing off of his finger. The Dr. came out at one point and said they were making head way slowly but it was going to work because Jose was not going to cooperate with them. So the Dr. told us we needed to take him to town and see if we could get help. I quickly said well if you are making head way keep doing the same thing and I will talk to Jose. I went in there was the Dr. was working got Jose calmed down maybe for 5 minutes. Jose and the Dr. both were getting very impatient. Jose was not doing so well waiting and the Dr. was not doing so well with Jose screaming and yelling. Marc then came back to help with Jose and we all helped hold Jose down and try to calm him as Marc, the nurse and the Dr. took turns trying to saw and pry this ring off of his finger.
They finally got it cut a little bit to where they could pull back the metal and there was a small opening in the ring. So after working a good hour or maybe more the Dr. put cream on his finger and pull with little pliers. Jose was screaming as if someone was killing him. Although the Dr. continued to pull and the ring slowly slid off of his finger. Jose some how managed to get out of the whole thing with out his fingered getting cut or or bleeding.
Never a dull moment here at Casa. Hopefully this is a lesson he will remember!!!
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