I blogged a few weeks ago about little Josue walking now. Well he only did that for two days and then he went back to only crawling. He refused to walk. The thing is we know he can do it. He is just pretty stubborn about it. It is little steps at a time but it makes me so happy to know how far he has come. Little steps are huge accomplishments!!!! This past week he is pulling himself up without holding on to anything and walking again. Once he gets the hang of it I hope he will give up crawling. Still needing to build more muscle up in his itty bitty legs.
We continue to take him to several Dr.s and specialist trying to get to the end of things as to why he is always sick. He is continually on meds and still seems to get sick. Although without the meds he would be a mess and probably hospitalized. His immune system is not working right. He is seeing a specialist right now for that and we are trying to get to the end of things as to why his little body is not working the way it should. Also it looks like he will have to have tubes in his ears. After going to a nose, throat, and ear Dr. We still have a long journey ahead with little Josue. Although we rejoice in the little and big obstacles that he overcomes.
Continue to keep Josue in your prayers.
Hi im honduran and i want to contaact the "Casa de Esperanza" staff.. can i have the phone number.. my email adress is anamarielam@hotmail.com
Hi im honduran and i want to contaact the "Casa de Esperanza" staff.. can i have the phone number.. my email adress is anamarielam@hotmail.com or anamoncadach@gmail.com
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