Reina this year is not attending school. She has attended kinder-4th grade. She has her school certificate to second grade. Third and fourth grade she just went to but was unable to complete tests and do the homework. After first grade is has really been a struggle with Reina to get her homework done. She never learned to read and can write very little. Although this year she is determined she is going to learn to read.
We talked to the employees at CASA and asked any of them if they had jobs for Reina. Learning to work for people and wash clothes, clean houses, make tortillas etc are all important factors for Reina in the future for her to get a job. There are four different ladies that let her come to their house and clean, cook, wash, and teach her other things. Cafe Gringo is letting her come 1 1/2 days a week. She helps clean and cook at the Cafe. Pamela is really wanting to teach Reina to read and Reina is very eager. Pamela asked that Reina bring a notebook and pencil on the days she comes to the Cafe. There are times when they have down time at the Cafe. During the down time Pamela has been working with Reina on speilling and reading. Reina comes home and gets her notebook out and reviews her work over and over and over. She so badly wants to learn to read and write.
I am so grateful for the Cafe and all of the ladies who are letting Reina work for them. It is a huge blessings to us, them and Reina. Reina loves getting to help the ladies out and learn at the same time. She came home last week and told me she had learned how to sew a button on a shirt. So the next time a button came off she told me she was going to sew it on and not ask for help from Elvia.
I am so proud of Reina and the young lady she is becoming. She turns 15 next week. Crazy where the time has gone.
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