A group from WV/OH came last week and played with the kids for the afternoon. Although what they brought to share with the kids was something the kids are not use to having or seeing.
First of all they took Polaroids of the kids. The kids had never seen anything like that before. They all wanted their picture taken with everyone they knew so they could get as many polaroids as possible. The all anxiously waved their photo waiting for it to expose.
On top of the polaroids the kids also got their faces painted. They got to pick out their design that they wanted and then someone from the group painted it on their faces. Then to end the evening they brought homemade pizza. They had worked during the day to help make the kids homemade pizzas. The kids love pizza but even better homemade pizza for supper.
Even the big kids wanted to paint their faces. Brayan getting his face painted.
Nohemy getting her face painted as Any waits her turn.
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