Mary, oh what a blessing it was to have her here with us.

Oh the joy of seeing familar faces and getting to love on them over and over again. These are some kiddos from Good Shepherd, and the one in the red, Bessie is one that I made a connection with last year.

Dad playing on the teeter totter at Didasko, oh was it so good to have my dad and bro here.

Oh how humbling, washing those dry, dirty, calloused feet.

Sherman loving a kiddo!

Debbie, Brian, and McKain putting in a floor.

Ok as most of you know I just got done spending some good time with some people from home.
The Belpre group was here for two weeks, and let me tell ya it was two amazing weeks. Just to watch each and everyone of them give it there all. Whether it was someone coming back for the second year and making those connections with those they had met the previous year or whether it was someone who just set foot in this country for the first time. Each one of them gave so much of themselves. Thank you to each and everyone of you for being the servants and examples you are.
All rested up from the tough week you girls had last week? ;) Well, I'm glad that you enjoyed our presence there so much. Maybe you'll get a second dose of Jeff if you're lucky. haha.
Hey girl,
Just wanted to tkank you for the picture...
Love ya guys! Rick
I think its time you got blogging!
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