After a day out with the boys....

House Building.....working on putting in the floor

The "Poop Mud Adventure"

My Momma and Raquel.....she is the one the pulled my moms heart strings

Oh what a blessing the past week and half has been. My mom along with Jen's mom, and a friend got to spend some time with us. And oh what a privilage and a blessing it was to have them hear with us. There is nothing like your momma. Your momma always has the right touch, words, and embrace. When God created our mommas it was a thank you Lord moment. I am a lot of who I am today b/c of my mom and her loving me, mentoring, and encouraging me along the way. It was neat for her to be here and get to experience Honduras and see what I fell in love with. I don't know if she would admit it or not but I am sure of it that her heart strings got pulled by some kiddos. One in particular, Raquel. This sweet girl came to love on my momma and my momma loved her back not knowing it was going to hurt and pull her heart so much. She has no mom or dad and lives with her aunt along with six others, her cousins. She is so concerned about the poverty her aunt lives in, and she has stressed to us how important it is to her that she goes to school and trys to get a good education. She doesn't want herself to live the life that her aunt is . Which is wonderful that her eyes are open and she wants to get out of the poverty and she is trying to do something about it. Never once did Raquel ask for anything, even though she has little to nothing, she just wants someone to love her. One night my mom lay awake for awhile here in my bedroom and every few seconds she would ask well how will Racquel turn out? How will she get a job, and so on. She had grabbed a hold of my mommas heart and she couldn't get her off of her mind.
While my mom was here she also got to experience all of Honduras from the crazy driving to the wonderful food even down to the last day when we had to work our way around the strike going on to get the airport. Now that was a crazy moment. At that moment in time I think my mom was wishing I would go back with her where she knows I am safe with her, but thank you Lord that she is understanding and supportive and knows that this is Gods plan for me at this time in my life.
We are also experiencing problems with the rain while my mom was here she got to "play" in the poop mud with Jen, Mike, and Pablo. And we can not forget the killer beattles, and by the way tonight we saw our first rino beattle, thought that you would like to know that Naomi. Oh the memories she has made that she will get to tuck away! She told me she could easily live here for 6 to 8wks, so you know me I am already waiting on her to come again.
After spending time with the mommas if just makes me wonder what kind of momma I will be. I am just praying that God makes me the momma that I need to be. I know that is what He has me here for right now to be a momma to those who have no momma. So my prayer is that He continues to regin down His wisdom so that I may raise these children up in Him. I thank you Lord for my momma and all of the mommas out there, I pray that you make me daily into the momma that you want me to be. A momma sold out for you!!!
Good Morning Karen! Really enjoyed seeing the photos and reading your blog this morning. Oh, the beetles....I'll keep praying that God will remove that plague! Sorry to hear that you have rhino sized ones now! Love, Naomi
hey karen....nice tribute to your mom....glad you enjoyed the weeks with her. I know she was touched by it all. Have a great w/e and look out for the bugs and poop mud! :) Love...shar
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