Sunday, October 23, 2011


I am finally enjoying some fall weather. The rain has stopped finally and we just have a few sprinkles here and there. I think everyone is much happier with it being cold than rainy.
The kids sure are much happier. They get to go outside now and jump, run, scream and just be kids and get all of their energy out. Also with the rain stopping the kids are back in classes. Only a few more weeks and they are out for the school year. Won't be much longer.
I know much of you are experiencing much colder temps. Although for Honduras it sure does get pretty cold and windy here at night. Usually in the low 50s every morning. Although the way some of the Honduran people bundle up you would be sure to think it was going to snow.
Thank you for all of the prayers for those who have been effected by the rains. Continue to keep them in your prayers as they continue to recover.

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