We continue to wait for the paper work to be completed to take back Any and Yair into our home again. We do know they are at IHNFA again and we are just waiting for the paper work to get done. Since they were in the system such a short time the judge is asking for lots of paper work and a complete investigation in their case this time around. So it is taking a lot longer to get them back into our home. Marc is planning on taking the social worker Monday morning to help get some of the investigation done on their case. They government office for children services (IHNFA) has been on strike and in all sorts of problems. So they are telling me they do not know when they will get the case work done on these children as they do not have the government vehicles for transportation available to finish the investigation. So that is were we are going to try to help out and Marc is going to go with the social worker Monday morning and we will go from there.
These are the most recent pictures of Any and Yair. I snuck in to see them during nap time at IHNFA the other day. Praying soon they will be back into our home! Mirian and all of the kids are anxiously waiting their arrival back!

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