Tuesday, February 27, 2007


This is what I feel like some days.

Upside Down

Ready to Scream but instead I usually just laugh or cry

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Hope that this brings some laughter to your day.........it sure did mine........oh the joy of children The funny thing is he would wear his pants like this everyday if he could.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

First Day of School

So three of our boys the other day had their first day of school. It was so precious to see them getting ready for school. But they sure did have the butterflies going on in the stomach. But they all survived their first day of school. Once they got home they were ready for day number two. Although when the second day of school came they still had the butterflies but not as bad. As the week has went one they are getting more comfortable. They are making friends, learning, and growing up on us. I wish you could all be here to experince this with us. Be praying for Yovani, Marvin, and Mario as they are in school now. Yovani and Marvin are in the same first grade class. And then Mario is at a different school in kinder. Also with these ones in school we will now have more time to work with the ones who are at home with us. Mario, Marvin, and Yovani getting ready to head out for the first big day of school.

The boys in front of the school with Saul.

Little Fransico got his backpack all ready for school. The only thing is he is too little. He got caught up in the hustle and bustle of it all and he wanted to go to school like his big brothers. Him and Fernando have been going around the house carrying their bookbags and ready to go too. But for now they are just going to have to settle for me being their teacher.

Marvin and Yovani getting their uniforms on and getting ready for the BIG first day.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Family Night cont.

Ok so every Wednesday night we have started family night. It has been so good for all of us. The kids sure do love to get all of there at once. We sing, dance, pray, do an activity and just have lots of fun and love on each other. We have only had two of them so far but they are going so good. I pray that is this time we bond and we become have more of a oneness with all of us working here in this ministry. Mr. Antonio putting his feet up and relaxing....yes he is so stinking cute
Jen and Katty lifting Jesus higher higher.....

Dilcia and Cindy going lower lower stomping the devil lower

Me and my big mouth singing with the boys

Ashley and Katty and Marjuri and their sweet little feet

Here our all of our feet hearts...............Dios es Amor

Family Nights

This was our second family night that we had on Valentines Day! The kids made cookies and got to decorate them. The lesson for them was how they all made their cookies differenet and none of them looked the same on the outside but the inside is all the same. Just the way that we all are different in the way God created us but he loves each and everyone of us with our differences. Mario and Yovani with their Valentine cookies.

Miss Marjuri....

This is our BIG group lovey dovey hug......on family night for Valentines Day!
I will blog more on our first family night later.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Giving it all to GOD....

Rather than trying to maintain control over your life, abandon yourself to MY will. Though this may feel scary and dangerous, the safest place to be is in My will.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentines Day

Happy Valentines Day!
Know that you are all loved today. Don't ever doubt that love of our Father has for you. He loves you more than you can ever ever imagine.
Today spread His love a little more. Let those around you know that they are loved today.
So soak up his love today and wrap your arms around yourself and give your self a big squeeze from our great big daddy.

Friday, February 09, 2007


Here is Miss Katty......cute as could be I know. When she first came to us to be truthful it was hard for us to love her at times because she was just so annoying. As Jen says she can't keep her hands off of us. She is touching our face, sticking her little finger up our nose, down our shirts and who knows what else....oh and attempting to gouge Jens eyes out with her little fingers. But yes I realize that is just her way about of telling us she wants attention and love. Well over the time that she has been here we have came to love her like our own. She is sweet as can be. Right now we are in the potty training stage with her and it is not going to fast. We have been working with her for awhile. Right now she just takes her pee pee pants off and changes without telling anyone. We will get there sooner or later. I think at times that this is where God is trying to test our patients and well it is working. Hopefully there is good things growing up inside of us because of it.
Over the past month or so we have been made aware that this little one might have caner. What a yucky word. When hearing this word I know it makes you sick and your heart sink. As many of us might be asking, "Why to such a little girl, she has so much life to live."
They have been doing test and such on her before she came here and we are just continuing to follow up with the tests. Just wanted to let ya all know that this little girl is cancer free. Last week she went to the Dr. and all the results were good and NO cancer. Thank you Lord! So with the scare we had with her I think now we will hold her a little tighter and love her a little longer. It is so sad that is takes thing like this at times to wake us up and have us loving with all we got.
So here is Miss little Katty.....

Thursday, February 08, 2007

The end of the month visit

This is to remind us all why we are here......."Making a difference one child at a time." We can not help each and every child that we see out there on the streets begging or every child sleeping on a dirt floor tonight or every child getting high on glue tonight to ease the pain. But one thing I am sure of God has placed 10 precious lives in our hands to take care of and I pray each and every day I am making a difference in their lives. So just rememeber we can not help them all but the ones that we do help make a difference. One is better than none.

Here are some pics from our last visit with the kids moms. The boys mom is the only mom who showed up and the only one who is consistant. It is so sad for the others who wait in anticipation for their mommas and nothing. But we gentle hug them and remind them that God has sent us to them for this time and we are their 2nd momma. And they squeeze our necks and are over joyed that they have someone that they can love and call momma.

Ok so here are a few pics of the visit.....enjoy, and please continue to pray for each and every heart here in this house.

Dorian and Carlos trying to balance out the teeter totter for the kiddos.

This hurts Antonios mommas heart. Antonio is 18 months old and is not too sure who to call his momma. He has lived with his own mom for 6 months and later in INFA for 6 months and he has been with us now for 7months. So he is so confused. His mom is always consistant and always is there every month to visit the boys. Although it sure does hurt Maria (the boys mom) when they do not when to go to her. It hurts this heart to see a mothers heart ache the the way it does for a connection with her kiddos.

Here they all are chowing down....they sure do like their food.

These are our boys....the first five and their momma and their brother getting a family picture together

Here are all of them lined up like little duckies........

The boys all enjoying the goodies their mom brought them and Majuri is trying to find her way in too because she sees food.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Styling their new sunglasses

Miss Deborah is back with us and treated all of the kids and brought them back sunglasses. Which they love! And they are dog on cute in them too. Enjoy the pics!

Friday, February 02, 2007

Yovani soaking up the english