Saturday, February 26, 2011


Happy Birthday Josue!
Yesterday Josue turned 3 years old!!!!!!

Friday, February 25, 2011


Homework has started again! It is always a challenge! These past two weeks since the kids have started school I have had more headaches than the past 6 months. There is just so much to take in, and know and do with them right now. A little overwhelming at times for sure. Some of them have forgotten how to multiply and divide and such. So refreshing and awakening all of those things they have forgotten about. Rosy has forgotten her alphabet and numbers.
So as school starts back up it is already a huge challenge. Please take each of these kids in prayer by name!

First grade ~ Mayuri and Nohemi
Second grade ~ Katy, Reina, and Sisi
Third grade ~ Ana, Jose, Fernando, Daniela, and Rosy
Forth grade ~ Jackson and Cindy
Fifth grade ~ Antonio
Sixth grade ~ Brayan and Pamela

So we for sure have our hands full this year!!!! Hope we all make it through the year!!!!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Cindy, me, and Katy

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Airplane crash

Last Monday 2/14 a airplane crashed here nearby into a small wooden area around 8am. All 14 people in the plane died. What a tragic accident.
Today Pamela and I went to the mountain to see the crash and took a few pictures.Align Center
Please continue to pray for these families as they have lost loved ones.

What is left of the airplane



People are unreasonable, illogical, and self-centered.
If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish ulterior motives.
If you are successful, you win false friends and true enemies.
The good you do will be forgotten tomorrow.
Honesty and frankness make you vulnerable.
What you spent years building may be destroyed overnight.
People really need help but may attack you if you help them.
Give the world the best you have and you'll get kicked in the teeth.

-From a sign on the wall of Shishu Bhavan, the children’s home in Calcutta

Friday, February 18, 2011

My girls!!!

Sisi, Cindy, Ana, Reina, Katy and Maryuri
Sisi is having a bit of an attitude!!!
Maryuri, Sisi, Cindy, and Daniela

I can't believe how big the girls are getting!!!! Growing up and maturing way too fast!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

why honduras is so poor...

good link.....

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My birthday

The kids all tried to take care of me today. Today is my birthday and it was filled with lots of hugs from the kids today. A few of them started the day by giving me cards. Then the rest of the morning many were busy making me cards. After devo they all sang happy birthday to me. The kids asked all morning long what kind of party we were going to have today.Bryan and Ana made a cake with the help of Dorian.
Some of my gifts from the kids in their cards were silly bands, dental floss, a santa clause pencil.
Two of the kids had saved up money and wanted to buy from the store something for me. I am always humbled by these kids and their giving.
Two of the kids even gave me a foot massage. It is usually a daily routine for Josue. :)
So happy birthday to me! Will enjoy my last year in the twenties, next year comes the thirties!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Back to school

Please be praying for all of the kids as they started back to school today. Pray that this is one of the best school years yet!!! Katy -2nd grade
She had a rough day today. She cried, and was angry, refused to do homework, and threw fits today. She is in a new school and I just think it was a lot on her today. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day for Maryuri.
This year we have hired someone to go on the bus with Rosy. It usually takes so much of Terri's time. So this is going to be a huge load lifted now that someone else will take her and pick her up from school every day.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Please know that HE rejoices over YOU!!! You are special and loved!!!!

Happy Valentines Day!!!

Enjoy this special day with friends, wife/husaband, sister/brother, mom/dad, and just remember to let those around you know that you love and appreciate them.
Don't just wait to celebrate that you love them today but each and every day be sure to let those around you know that you love them.

How blessed we are!!!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Maryuri's new glasses

Maryuri and her new glasses. The glasses were finished yesterday but we have not made it to pick them up. She will have to wear her glasses all of the time. She seems pretty excited about it but not too sure how long that will last. Just teaching her to take care of them and not loose them now will be a challenge.
Maryuri taking the eye exam

Friday, February 11, 2011


The JOY of the LORD will be my strength!!!

Monday, February 07, 2011


Cindy started back to school today. She did not pass the grade so this week the teacher is seeing if she is any more prepared to pass the grade or not. She is struggling with math and spanish. I would prefer her to stay back. Nothing in one week is really going to change things. She really is smart she just doesn't care. Let's hope she starts trying and caring and hope that this year is a better year for her.

Sunday, February 06, 2011


This weekend was a mini Women of Purpose International Sisterhood Revive!!! It was just a follow up from this past October when the sweet ladies from West Virgina/Ohio put on one. It was super great!!!! I loved it!! It was much needed for those dry weary places within me. It is always good to get away and beable to speak english and more importantly worship in english. Man I miss that sometimes. It is also a great outlet to connect with other ministries and to hear what they are doing.
I already can't wait till October when we all get together again!!!

Thursday, February 03, 2011

Eye Clinic

Maryuri getting examined
The Dr. talking to a few people
Some of the glasses that they sold at a discounted price for those who needed glasses.
Align CenterReading the chart
This lady was scheduled for cataract surgery in the coming month in Teguc.
A Dr. along with his assistant from Teguc. came and did a eye clinic in the church building Wednesday. They got a late start on the day and had to leave early but there was about 75 people seen in total. All of the kids from the children's home were seen. Some have a few things we have to follow up on but Maryuri has to get glasses. We had no clue. She will only need them for reading, writing and watching TV. Let's hope she will adjust well when we get her her new glasses.
What a blessing this was to so many here in Santa Ana. Today the clinic was held in Ojojona and I am sure lots of people also were helped out.

Wednesday, February 02, 2011

Jan. 2011 Update

January 2011

Hard to believe that January has already came and went. Before we know it we will be in 2012. I find myself wandering sometimes where time goes. The children are already getting ready to start back to school. We have been super busy getting book bags, uniforms, and school supplies ready for them to go back to school. They grow so much, that it is a constant struggle to have them fit into their uniforms. The kids are all very excited to get back to school. Not too sure how long their excitement will last. I am pretty sure as soon as the homework starts they will be ready to be on break again. I also am not looking forward to the long afternoons that turn into evenings, getting homework done.

My dad missed his flight and stayed an extra week here in Honduras with us. He continued to helped fix and repair things here at Casa. Lots and lots was accomplished because of his help. At the end of his stay both him and me got sick and had a the flu bug for a couple of days. It took us about two weeks before we got it totally out of our systems.

The first Santa Ana church campaign was held the second week of January. A couple of people came from Nicaragua to help work alongside Dorian. Lots of visiting, studying, and fellowship took place. They had meetings towards the end of the week. A couple of people recommitted their lives to Christ and 8 souls were added to the kingdom of God. May great things continue to happen here in the community of Santa Ana.

Dorian immediately started back to classes after the campaign ended. . This semester is a little different than what he is used to. He is taking classes in the afternoon to get all the classes in that he needs. He gets home a little before 7 to just walk out the door and go to church on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays. He even has classes on Saturdays this semester and that makes me sad as that is my day off. He does have Fridays free so we can make time together Friday afternoons/evenings.

Mi Esperanza had their board meeting for planning and praying for 2011. I am on the Mi Esperanza board so I spent a weekend with the other board members planning and listening to their dreams for 2011. Excited for all that is to happen in that ministry.

Help has finally arrived!!! Hallelujah!!!!! Stacey & Marc & Terri are back. So that has helped lift the work load some and just helps to balance things out.

We also have canceled our Doral, FL address. It was costing us too much and was not very helpful. Any sorts of packages we had to pay to get them so it was not so convenient. We now are using the local Santa Ana address. We were afraid to use it at first because we thought things would get lost on there way. We have received several things and they have made it to us just fine. So if you would like to send anything to us the new address is:
Dorian & Karen Guido
Casa De Esperanza
Aldea Guayabito
Atras del parque Guayabito
Santa Ana, F.M.

I want to thank so many of your for your continued support, love, prayers, and encouragement that you give us. We are blessed to have so many great people in our lives. May God truly continue to bless each and everyone of you.

Dorian & Karen Guido

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Art/Cooking classes

Several of the kids have been busy taking art and cooking classes. While they were out of school they continued to learn. The kids really enjoyed their classes.
Their classes have came to an end as it is time for school to start back up. So this weekend their teacher had them do an exhibition to show off their art work and sale some of their bake goods.
book marks
Everyone looking around and buying baked goods.
Lots of this art work will be in our casa store for anyone who is interested in buying the childrens artwork.