Monday, June 30, 2008

2 year anniversary

Two years ago after a long wait Jen and I took in the first kids here at Casa. We had been in Honduras since Oct. 2005 and we did not open until June 30th 2006. So it was a long wait and we were ready to wrap our arms around those kids and start loving them and showing them the love of Jesus. It has been a long two years when I look back and think of all of the miles we have walked thru to get where we are in this ministry, but at the same time it has all flown by so fast. God has blessed Casa in the past two years. We continue to learn and grow and make things better at casa. We are in the process right now of training house parents. Please be praying for Casa as it takes some big steps. May we seek God out thru all of this and be seeking His will and not our own.
I want to thank each and everyone of you who in the past two years have either supported the childrens home, volunteered, invested, prayed for us, supported me, and have encouraged us! You been more than a blessing! You will never know what you are doing and will continue to do for this home. May God bless you in ways beyond you can even imagine. June 30th, 2008 taking in the first kiddos
First family picture
First week we were open
Fransico and Mario and their sweet little prayers. They would pray every time before coming down the slide. :)

God has BIG plans for this ministry! I just pray that we continue to fall on our faces and cry out to our God for wisdom, guidance, and direction as we continue to grow.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Happy Early Bday Marjuri

Tomorrow is Miss Marjuri's 4th bday!
Right now she is our baby of the house, but she is getting big on us really fast. Happy Birthday Marjuri!!!

Friday, June 27, 2008


The Dr. called me last night and gave me wonderful news. I do not have to have surgery! So thank you to all of you who have been praying for me and been asking me how things are and if I knew anything. The Dr. told me that it looks as if things are getting better with my kidney. The kidney is scarred and damaged and it is not something that can be better with time. It can only be our great BIG God who is taking care of me. My left kidney is my bad kidney and with a lasix renal scan I had three years ago it drained in 16mins well this time it drained in 14mins.

So as you read this give a prayer of thanks for our God being in control and taking care of me!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

a little help

Katty was trying to make her way up onto the swing and just couldn't seem to make it.......Until her brother came along and helped her out
There you go!

Monday, June 23, 2008

the boys

We here at casa had a house full of boys and are now down to 4. I was helping the girls get ready the other morning before we went to church and I walked in to check on the boys and there they were scrambling to find clothes that matched. They all wanted to be just alike! I think they are quite handsome!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

lost bags

I forget how much I miss my stuff until I don't have it. Today I am thankful for getting my lost bags. They came with mine and Dorian's stuff at 4:30am Friday morning.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Happy Birthday Pamela

Happy Birthday Adilia Pamela!!!!
I love you and miss you girl!
Today she turned 11 and now is the oldest in the house. She has grown up on us for sure in the year she has lived with us, growing into a young lady for sure.

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Johny started school with the rest of the kids on Tuesday. He has been asking since day one since he has been with us when he was going to go to school. Be praying for him as he adjusts to school and that he is learning things that will him help him as he grows up.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Tomorrow I leave for the states but I will try to still keep you all updated and put pics and so forth on my blog. I went for a check up on my kidney about a month ago and they told me that I need to get it seen to ASAP because it is pretty much closed off. So to say all of that I finally have my ticket and leave tom and then on Wed. I have my appt. with my Urologist. Just please be praying for me and for all to go smooth and I get everything that needs to be done in a months time to be back here at casa and ready to work and serve to the best of my ability.

As always thank you guys for your prayers, we fill them here at casa!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Happy B~Day Marvin

Happy 9th Birthday Marvin Omar!
Here is

Friday, June 13, 2008

Happy Bday Antonio

How oh I miss the boys! Talked to them on the phone today and wished Antonio a Happy Birthday. Not too sure he even knew it was his b~day till I called and told him. It seems just like yesterday when little Antonio came here and screamed his head off and did not want anything to do with us white people. Now today has been two weeks that he and his brothers have been gone. Oh how miss Antonio and his little giggles, his "i love you mommy", and his sweet little kisses.
Happy 3rd Birthday Antonio


Fitto and Brayan


We got our first set of closet/beds for the kids. It is wonderful! They are a more than we can afford or we would get a lot more for the rest of the kids. It allows them to keep their personal belongings locked up. Before they would hide all of their personal belongings here and there but now they have there very own closet with their very own key! They are loving the responsibility having their own and keeping track of their keys. This closet that came we gave to Brayan and Fitto. Pamela is wanting to know when hers will come.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Brayan, his sister, mom and Rudy at Visitation in May

Please continue to keep Rudy in your prayers. He has really hardened up since he ran away from here. Last visitation he was there when his mom and sister came to visit Brayan. Rudy has been living on the streets again and coming and going as he pleases his mom says. He has an attitude that stinks right now and just a hardness about him. Please pray that the right people will be sent into his life to help him out.

Monday, June 09, 2008


Last Thursday night little Johny was brought here to casa. He was found begging on the streets and was taken and then we were asked if we would take him. This week he is still adjusting to life here at casa. Hopefully next week we will get him started in school.Johny and his cute little curls
Johny after his haircut

Sunday, June 08, 2008


Monica, Fernando, and Katty's sister Doris came to live here at Casa last week. Before coming here she lived with her family but was not taken care of. It is a case of neglect and extreme proverty, I believe. She is a little slower but a sweet little girl. She was at IHNFA for two months and they said that she said two words only and could not get her to do much. She has been here one week and already making leaps and bounds. I just pray that she continues to find comfort and love here and continues to open up.

Sabana Grande

This morning we were invited to Sabana Grande for church. It is like 20 to 30 mins away from here and they were doing an area wide gathering. It was Santa Ana, Ojojona, and Sabana Grande. Well we all loaded up on a full bus this morning and headed there. Once we got there there was another group of Americans there doing mission work and they had put together a carnival for the kids after church. So here below are the kids enjoying the carnival. Blogger was not working with me so the pics are in two separate blogs!Cindy
Fernando at the ring toss
Fitto switching stations
Daniela spinning the wheel
Doris playing in the tree
Monica telling everyone hello

Sabana Grande

Marjuri fell and scratched her face yesterday
Katty filling her little belly
Pamela waiting inline to play another game
Brayan at the sack toss
Johnny at the ring toss

Happy bday Fernando

We celebrated Fernando's bday! It was like a week a half ago but since I just now have internet I am just getting it up!

Saturday, June 07, 2008


Ok I hope to be back in the blogging world soon! We just got internet. Lots to update ya on.........but I will be sure to take some time tonight and fill everyone in on the happenings of Casa.
Until then just keep praying for all of us here at Casa.

Monday, June 02, 2008


Ok so sorry for the lack of updates........

We have been out of internet the past week because of the hurricane that passed over us. Today is my day off and I am in town checking my email and such. We are suppose to be up with internet hopefully this week so I hope to back to the blogging world.

A lot has happened in the past couple of days and everything right now seems to be in a whirlwind. I am sure a lot of you have heard that the five boys are back with their parents. Friday the boys parents went to the judge and they gave them a letter stating that they could have custody of them again. So we at casa are still trying to process all of this. Please be in prayer for Yovani, Marvin, Mario, Francisco and Antonio. I am without words and not even too sure what to think of all of this still trying to process all of this.

On another note Friday Doris came to casa to live. This is Monica, Fernando and Katty's sister.

So please be in prayer for all of us as our hearts hurt and we are trying to work thru all of this.