Wednesday, May 23, 2012

6 months old!

I can't believe Korbin turned 6 months old!!! Oh how time flies. He is getting cuter every day and learning something new all of the time. I can't believe in 6 months we will be celebrating his 1st birthday.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Friendship Soccer Tournament

It isn't often that we have people from this country come and share and play with the kids. It is usually lots of groups from the states that come and play and love on the kids. Part of that is because we have to be so careful who we are allowed to come and visit and see the kids.
Well last fall a youth group from Tegucigalpa made connections here to our children's home through Teleton. Teleton is where our kids with special needs go to receive classes. 
Well last fall the kids and the adults really seem to hit it off. Last week we got a call that they would like to  come out and spend time with the kids again. I told them that would be fine but please just come and spend time with them no gifts. 
Sunday afternoon they arrived ready to play a friendship soccer tournament. The kids had lots of fun!!! They came prepared with pom poms for the ones on the side lines to cheer on the others. They switched out every 10 mins to a different team that got to play. When all was said and done they gave the medals. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place medals! The kids that didn't play all recieved 3rd place medals. Of course they weren't real medals but the kids still loved them. The next day several of them still had on their medals at devo and one of them I even noticed when I went to wake them up that morning had it around her neck.
After the awards ceremony they brought a little snack to share with all of the kids. They also sang a few songs for the kids. The neat thing is one of the young kids in the youth group is also deaf and they learned a song in sign language and got to share that with all of our kids. It was special for Rosy to be included!!!!
The kids are already for them to plan their next visit here to Casa!!!!

 Jackson cheering on the other teams!
The cutest cheerleader around!!! He was trying to be so serious!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

1st Mother's Day

Mother's Day is such a big celebration here in Honduras. Since being here at Casa many have told me happy mother's day as I mother many of these children, but this year is truly was my 1st mother's day as I have Korbin this year. He already has brought so much joy to my life in the short months we have had him. I can't wait for the months and years to come and all of the memories. 
I just pray that God gives me love, patience, wisdom, and guidance as we raise Korbin. 
Here below are a few pictures from Sunday morning at church with the kids and their presentations they presented to all of the mothers.
Happy Mother's Day!!!!!

 Jose an Fernando the kings guards
 Sisi and Katy were the mothers in this skit. 
The kids sang together a few songs and then a few of the kids sang a few songs individually!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012


 Olman in his walker
Josue in his walker
The babies in the other house continue to seem to be growing and thriving. Terri decided last week to buy some walkers for them. Which was a great idea. They pass a lot of their time in their strollers or laying down. I would say 75% of the time they are on their backs. So it will be good for them to start building some strength in their back, neck, and legs. I am sure it will not be long before they are walking!!! They will be 6 months old next week.

Saturday, May 12, 2012


Brayan has been having pain in his lower back/hip. We really weren't too sure where the pain was coming from and either was he. He had said something to us about it on Tuesday that it was bothering him and that it hurt to take large steps and bend down. I told him to take Tylenol for the pain and if it got worse to let us know and we would go to the doctor. As I have said many times before with this many kids we don't go running to the doctor for everything. Otherwise we would be living at the Dr's offices.
Well after school on Thursday Brayan said the pain had gotten worse. So I took him down to the hospital here in Ojojona to see if they would run some tests. Well we went to the emergency room and after three doctors questioning him they decided they were going to hospitalize him to see if they could find out what exactly was wrong.
Well today he got to come home. He seems to be fine. They couldn't find anything and he seems like he is better than ever. He was outside this afternoon running and playing soccer.
So very thankful that is turned out to be nothing.

Sunday, May 06, 2012


Yesterday morning Antonio was playing soccer and fell and broke his tibia. It was a pretty bad break. After seeing the x-ray Marc knew before a doctor even saw him that he was going to have to have surgery it was a bad break. He has to have a metal rod put in from his knee down to his ankle. Marc took him in yesterday and stayed with him all day and spent the night with him. Marc and Antonio were both happy to be able to come home today. He was released from the hospital this morning.
All the staff and kids were concerned about Antonio and were happy to see him home. He will have a long road of recovery ahead.