Sunday, October 23, 2011


I am finally enjoying some fall weather. The rain has stopped finally and we just have a few sprinkles here and there. I think everyone is much happier with it being cold than rainy.
The kids sure are much happier. They get to go outside now and jump, run, scream and just be kids and get all of their energy out. Also with the rain stopping the kids are back in classes. Only a few more weeks and they are out for the school year. Won't be much longer.
I know much of you are experiencing much colder temps. Although for Honduras it sure does get pretty cold and windy here at night. Usually in the low 50s every morning. Although the way some of the Honduran people bundle up you would be sure to think it was going to snow.
Thank you for all of the prayers for those who have been effected by the rains. Continue to keep them in your prayers as they continue to recover.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A ray of sunshine

The kids were finally able to get outside today and run, play, scream, yell, and be kids!!! They have not been outside since last week sometime. It looks like we might see the end of the rain, FINALLY!!! This afternoon they were outside from 3 til 5:30! Let's hope tomorrow there is even more sunshine!!! Because of all of the rain they kids have not had school. It is nice to have a break from homework with the kids but it is a headache some days to have 19 kids inside all day long. We are ready for them to get back on schedule. They are also anxious to get back to school and get outside and be able to play also.
Continue to say a prayer for many who have been effected and even though the rains have stopped there are many who have lost everything.

Saturday, October 15, 2011

and the rain continues...

Valle de Sula. En la zona norte, las personas afectadas están siendo trasladadas a otros sitios.Valle de sula. Debido a las fuertes lluvias que se han presentado en la zona norte, varias viviendas ha resultado dañadas.valle de sula. Las fuertes lluvias que se han registrado provocaron el desbordamiento de los ríos que pasan por las partes bajas.The rains continue to fall. We are now going on day number 5 of it raining here in Santa Ana. Last night as I tried to sleep I kept waking up as I heard the heavy rains beat down on our tin roof. There was even one point last night I woke Dorian up and said oh honey I feel so bad for these people that have water running through their houses and inches and inches of mud in their house.
Many have already lost their homes due to landslides and many are on the verge of losing their homes. Bridges, livestock, crops, homes, have been destroyed.
All despite all of the destruction many people continue to put their trust in God. Their faith is amazing!!!!

Took this little section below from another missionary living here in Honduras.....

"Many people have said that they haven’t seen flooding this bad since Hurricane Mitch destroyed southern Honduras in 1998. But despite all of the destruction, I have been encouraged and blessed today. The hope and trust of the people here is amazing. One sister told me today, “God is in control. He knows what he is doing. Sometimes God takes good things away from us, but he only does it to help us rely on him more. It’s a lesson. I know he will carry us through.”

Please say a prayer for all of those being affected by the rains.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

rain, rain, and more rain

We have seen a lot of rain in the past two days. The kids have been inside for the most part the last two days. Heaven help us all..........19 kiddos inside all day!
It has been cold and dreary. I love the coolness as it makes me feel like I am tasting a little bit of fall in the air. Fall is by far my favorite time of year.
Although we hope to see a little bit of sun soon. It is hard to get all of the clothes washed and dried with little to no sun. As for now we are trying to stay dry and sane with a house full of 19 kiddos who are more than ready for some sunshine.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sept. Update 2011

September 2011

We ended August with two new children here at Casa. After just a few weeks of being here, they were given back to their mother. It was very hard on all of us. We never know when any of the children under our care will go back to their families. We can only love on them and try to give them a better life while they are here at Casa. So we went through a period of adjustment when the two came to our family and now we are adjusting to being without them. It has really taken a toll on their house Mom Mirian. So for now we are back to 19 kiddos as part of our family. We are currently in process of getting new children from IHNFA again and that is a very long, strange process.

We are counting down the days until sweet Korbin is here. September finds us at 6 months and ready every day to welcome him here. The children eagerly await his coming also.

This month the children all celebrated children's day and independence day.
The children do love celebrations and costumes, etc. It gets kind of crazy with around twenty children to get ready for celebrations but they enjoy it so much. The children have just finished their thrid grading period and we are now in the home stretch. It won't be much longer til they are on their "summer break".

Dorian continues to work with his club nutrition and getting clients. It lets him make his own schedule. So it is super nice to have him around most of the time if I need something.

I want to apologize to many of you for late responses to emails and few updates on my blog. We have been without internet and continue to have problems. Hopefully we can get this fixed soon.

Dorian & Karen Guido

Monday, October 10, 2011

Visit to Nicaragua

Dorian with his sister, mom and some of his nephews.

Last weekend we made a quick trip to Nicaragua to visit Dorian's family. His moms birthday was Oct. 2nd so Dorian wanted to be there for that.
All of his family were very happy to see us. It has been over a year since I had been there so it was a long over due visit. I survived the heat!!! That is always one of my worries when we go there. Sometimes it is more than my body can take and with being pregnant I was not too sure how my body would handle it but I survived!
Happy Birthday Maria!!!!
Dorian and his momma

Sunday, October 09, 2011


Really I have not had too many cravings while I have been pregnant. I seem to have the same appetite.
Some days when Dorian is coming from town he will call and ask me what I would like him to pick up before he heads home. Well I guess I mentioned to him snickers a few times. Well one week he was at the grocery store and decided he was going to buy me a box of like 50 snickers!!! WOW!! That is way more chocolate than I need. I had the box of snickers for months. Although I started to realize that there were snickers that were missing..............

I went to make a flurry one evening and was going to use the snickers and found that there wasn't any left. I doubted that Dorian had ate them because he is not much for sweets. I asked him if he knew where the snickers were or who had ate them. He didn't seem to know anything and assured me that he had not touched them. Didn't really think much more about it.

Well the next morning Pamela meets me at the door of the girls bedroom when I go in to wake them up. She had found several wrappers under the girls bed and some in their book bags. Two of the girls had found out that there was a stash of snickers here in the apt and they stocked up.

Although they are paying for them now. They get an allowance of .50 every week if they are on good behavior. Well they snickers are a little over .50 here to buy so now with their allowance they are paying back all of the snickers they stole and ate. I think it is going to take them a good while to pay them all off.

Saturday, October 08, 2011


Yesterday two more of our kids started Teleton. There are several here with special needs and the school system here does not have any programs to help those with special needs.
We have have had Mayuri, Doris, and Reina in Teleton for a few years. Although as of yesterday Fernando and Guadalupe started classes. Fernando seems to get things confused when he reads and writes. He will be entering 4th grade next year and for his age he is behind on reading and writing. Guadalupe has speech problems. She is very hard to understand and has a hard time pronouncing words. So she will be with a speech therapist to hopefully help further her along.

We hope to see improvement with Fernando and Guadalupe as they start their classes in Teleton.

Friday, October 07, 2011

any y yair

It looks like Any and Yair will be coming back to CASA for sure. Last Friday when we were at visitation I went into the office (children's services) to see if they knew anything about Any or Yair. Well sure enough last week they were turned in to IHNFA and are back in the system. Now it is just a waiting game for us to see as to when we will get them back here at CASA. They are now working on new papers with the judges office to get them back into our home. There are so many kids who need help, you would think with us being willing to take them they would work a little faster to get them to us. So any day we should be getting a call and they will be back with our CASA family again. Who knows if that means tomorrow, next week or next month. You never know here with the way the system works here.

After going to the office I went to the house where they were staying to see them. Although they were both in nap time but I still managed to get a picture of them.