Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sept. Update 2011

September 2011

We ended August with two new children here at Casa. After just a few weeks of being here, they were given back to their mother. It was very hard on all of us. We never know when any of the children under our care will go back to their families. We can only love on them and try to give them a better life while they are here at Casa. So we went through a period of adjustment when the two came to our family and now we are adjusting to being without them. It has really taken a toll on their house Mom Mirian. So for now we are back to 19 kiddos as part of our family. We are currently in process of getting new children from IHNFA again and that is a very long, strange process.

We are counting down the days until sweet Korbin is here. September finds us at 6 months and ready every day to welcome him here. The children eagerly await his coming also.

This month the children all celebrated children's day and independence day.
The children do love celebrations and costumes, etc. It gets kind of crazy with around twenty children to get ready for celebrations but they enjoy it so much. The children have just finished their thrid grading period and we are now in the home stretch. It won't be much longer til they are on their "summer break".

Dorian continues to work with his club nutrition and getting clients. It lets him make his own schedule. So it is super nice to have him around most of the time if I need something.

I want to apologize to many of you for late responses to emails and few updates on my blog. We have been without internet and continue to have problems. Hopefully we can get this fixed soon.

Dorian & Karen Guido

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